
42 4 4

Area 6,

Mexico City, Mexico,

12:56 AM, November 12th.


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Jungkook held the keycard loosely in his hand, twirling it around. He wasn't the least concerned about being seen, though it would be less troublesome if no one saw him. It wasn't an accident he chose a time where the guards were just switching shifts. Jungkook peeked his head around the corner, spotting a small ray of moonlight seeping through the crack in the exit doors just down the last hallway. 

He was just about to step through when he heard footsteps coming out of the lounge.

"The people in here are mental, man." One said to the other, finishing the last of his drink, throwing the cup on the ground.

"Are you stupid? This is a mental institution." The second guard flicked guard #1's head, snorting.

"No, you dumb fuck. I know it's a mental institution. I mean they're like mental mental. Like, I walked in a cell, right, to give them their dinner and I see the man fucking jerking off with his electric toothbrush." Guard #1 made a face to show how disgusted he was.

"Who the fuck gave him an electric toothbrush?"

"I think one of the nurses had a crush on him so she gave it to him as a gift." 

"What retard likes mental men who masterbates with a toothbrush?" Guard #2 started laughing, slapping the other guard's back, who laughed along with him. Jungkook took this opportunity to kill them. He took the knife from the other guard he killed back in the cell and move swiftly from the corner to behind guard #2's back. 

"What the fu-" Before he could finish the sentence, Jungkook thrust the knife into his back and then grabbed guard #1's hair.

"N-no! P-please! I won't t-tell anyone a-about this! Have m-mercy!" He dropped his gun and held up both hands, crying. Jungkook pretended to consider this and loosened his grip on his hair. 

"Thank you! Thank-" 

"Just kidding." Jungkook killed him. He dropped him onto the ground, like he was disgusted with what he had just done. Not giving a shit, he continued into the hallway. 

Jungkook took his time, looking in every other cell, reading the name-tags out loud. In hearing the guard's conversation, he was slightly interested now. He carefully looked in a few cells that had windows and just as the guard had said, saw a man still jerking off with his toothbrush.

"You do you, I guess." Jungkook took extra slow steps in approaching the exit. He wanted to make the moment last, make it imprinted into his mind.

Imagine telling this to my future kids. Daddy escaped from a mental institution by killing three people.

Just when Jungkook was about to push open the doors, something captured his attention the corner of his eye. He turned his head, arm still extended. He read something off the name tag, confused as to why there was a red line across the name. Jungkook turned and looked through the window.

Where was the patient?

He looked everywhere, well, everywhere as in as much as the window allowed. Jungkook frowned. The room was tidy enough, no sign of a struggle or any blood. The door was locked of course. Jungkook looked back at the nametag:

Kim Namjoon.

"Why does that ring a bell?"

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im supposed to be doing piano theory what am i doing on wattpad

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