Bella is daughter of Colonel Miles Quaritch. If that isn't bad enough she is also in love with an Navi. Not just any Navi but her childhood crush Tsu'tey. They met in the school Grace taught before it was closed. Since the school has closed she's st...
I walked in with Grace. Parker was playing golf in his office. Nothing new. "Parker.I used to think it was a knowing neglect, but now I see that you're intentionally screwing me." I sit in a chair smiling. "Grace, I enjoy our little talks..." Parker grins handing his golf club to one of the staff. He looks at me. "Bells, always a pleasure." He smiles."I need a researcher, not some jar-head drop out." I choke trying to hold in a laugh. "Actually, I thought we got lucky with him." Parker walks inside his office. I turn in my chair grabbing a chocolate off the desk. "Lucky?" Grace questions. "Yeah." He nods. "How is this in any way lucky?" Grace asks confused. "Lucky your guy had a twin brother, and lucky that brother wasn't some oral hygienist.A marine we could use. I'm assigning him to your team as security escort." Grace smiles "The last thing I need is another trigger happy moron out there." Parker gets up and goes to a map. "You're supposed to be winning the hearts and the minds of the natives, isn't that the whole point of your little puppet show? You look like them, you talk like them and they'll start trusting us. We build them a school,we teach them English... But after how many years relations with the indigenous are only getting worse." I frown at that comment. "That tends to happen when you use machine guns on them. I don't think I would help if I had some pointed at me. " I say twirling my necklace. "Right, come here. Both of you. " We follow him. He grabs a rock off his desk. "This is why we're here, Unobtanium." I frown starring at it. "A rock? " I ask frowning. "Because this little gray rock sells for 20 million a kilo. That's the only reason. It's what pays for the whole party. It's what pays for your science, comprendo?" He placed the rock back on his desk. "Those savages are threatening our whole operation. We're on the brink of war and you're supposed to be finding a diplomatic solution.So use what you've got and get me some results." Grace frowned. "Come on Bella" I got out my chair. "See ya Park. " I leave with Grace only to be stopped. "Your dad wants me to let you know to meet him with the new guy as soon as you can. " I sigh and followed Grace. I could care less. I'll go when I want to.....
It was 8:30 and I was ready to go in my new avatar. Grace smiled at me. "You know the drill Bells. " I jumped off the table and went to my Link. "Did you transfer my necklace? " I asked her. "Of course Bella. " Grace grinned. I closed the lid leaving me in the dark. Only lights from the gear inside. Let your mind go blank....
"Bella can you hear me?" I sit up slowly. "Ya." I moan. I look at the person in front of me. "Looks good Bells. " I grin at Grace. " Let's go for a walk. " She grins. I smile and get up. I forgot how good it felt being taller then everyone. I looked down and saw my necklace.
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I touched it lightly. "Still beautiful. " I whisper. This necklace means everything to me. It was a gift from Tsu'tey. I left it on my child Avatar body so my father could never take it from me. I made sure it was transferred to my adult Avatar. I walked in the gardens with Grace. "You know what wearing that means Bella. " I Smile at Grace and nod. "Yes, I do" I whisper low. "I'm not going to tell you what to do but I think you should take it off. Just in case you run into them. That necklace can cause some trouble. " I frown touching it. "Grace, I can't. My Human self didn't make that promise but my Avatar did and I keep my promise. I said I would never take it off."
Flashback It was a school day. I was writing down the languages when I noticed a pair of eyes on me. I looked at my side and saw Tsu'tey looking at me. "What? " I asked grinning. "Nothing, you just look beautiful. Like a thousand moons. " I feel heat rush to my face. "You turn pink. You okay? " He asked. I looked out the window. "Fine." I mumbled. I was totally not fine! My heart was racing like a horse! "Okay, break time! " Grace smiled. I smiled and walked out with Tsu'tey. We walked over to our tree. "Bell? I have somethingto give you... " I smiled at him. "Is it another isle bug? " I frown crossing my arms. They were rainbow and really gross. "No! It's something else. Something that it very traditional in my world. " He handed me a necklace. I smiled at it. This was beautiful! "It is for you. Please say you'll wear it. " I grin and hug him. "Of course! I'll never take it off." I hand it to him and he puts it around my neck. A little big but I'll grow into it. I kissed his cheek and blushed. "What was that? " He touched his cheek. "A kiss, we're I come from its how we show we car for that person. " He smiles at me and we both stay under the tree smiling.
After school I waited for Grace. I sat in the car looking at my necklace. "Sorry I took so long kid. " I smiled at her. "It's fine. " I whispered looking back at my necklace. " We're did you get that Bella?" I looked at Grace and frowned. "A Navi boy. Why? " Grace looked ahead starting the car. "It's a symbol of affection. Meaning he has feelings for you. By taking this necklace it let's others know you are taken. " My eyes go wide. He... Likes me to? I stare at the trees. "I promised to never take it off... I think in my heart I knew what this meant and I'm glad. " I smiled at her. This was the only good thing in my life.
End of flashback
I needed felt in my pocket and grabbed out the jem from the necklace I kept on my neck as my human self. I placed it back on this necklace and smiled. Back wear it belonged. I only took it out so I could make a necklace to wear while I wasn't in my avatar. "Grace? Bella? " I looked up and saw Jake. Grace smiled at him. "Who did you expect numb nuts?" She picked a fruit off the bush. "Think fast!" She threw it at him. He caught it a took a bite. It dripped down his mouth. I laughed at him. "Motor control is looking good." I laughed with Grace. We got Jake back so he can get real clothes and dinner and then it was off to the house for bed. I sat in my bed and looked at my braid. I wish it had more beads in it. I pouted. "Everybody quiet down.Lights out." Grace walked in. "C'mon Louise, chop chop." She told a guard kicking them out the house. Another Avatar was looking at his braid and playing with the end. "Don't play with that,you'll go blind." Grace grinned. "That's kinda freaky." Jake grinned. I smiled. "When you get to see Pandora that won't be the only freaky thing you'll see. " I laid down and laid my braid on me. "Lights out, see you at dinner kitties." I smiled and closed my eyes. I'm going back to you.....