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I opened my eyes and was back in the chamber. I lifted the lid and sat up. "Welcome back." Grace grinned at me.
I smiled and hoped down almost falling. "You all right?" She asked concerned. I nod my head "I'm OK." I grin. I look at Jake and smile. "Come on. Officer Colonel  wants to meet you. " I walk with him. "Who is that? " He asked me. I looked down. "He's the person in charge of all the soldiers. He's basically the second boss of everyone. " I say.. More like my only stupid boss......

I smile at a girl by and airplane. "Trudy!" I yell smiling. "Ah, theirs my girl! " I hug her and grin. "This is Jake, Jake this is my friend Trudy. She fly's all the scientzoids. " Trudy smiles and pats her plane. "And this here is my baby." She looks at a guy putting a gun in the plane. She looks at us and then him. "Hold on a second." She smiles at me and then walks by him looking at a clipboard. "Wainfleet get it done.We bounce at 09:00." He locks it in. "I'm on it captain." He looks at me with a grin. I look away. Gross. He's like as old as my uncle. "Its still loose." She tells him. Jake wheels by her. "You guys are packing some heavy gear." She smiles and we walk down the row. A guy almost hits Jake missing barely. "Watch it!" Trudy yells. "That's cos we're not the only
ones flying around out there.Or the biggest." She smiles. "But I need you on a door gun.I'm a man short." Jake grins at her. "Thought you'd never ask." They joke. We arrive at the gym door. "There's your man.See you on the flight lane." She grins. "See ya around Bells, don't be a stranger. " She walks away. Jake smiles at me. "She's been my friend since she arrived here a few years ago. " I walk inside and go start to the back passing my father who's doing lifts. "You wanted to see me colonel?" Jake asks. "This low gravity will make you soft.You get soft...Pandora will shit you out dead with zero warning." He does one last set and sits up looking at him. "I pulled your record corporal.
Venezuela, that was some mean bush.
Nothing like this here though." He pauses and looks at me the Jake. "You got some heart kid, showing up in this neighborhood." Jake grins. "Figured it's just another hell hole." He stands up. "I was the first recon myself. Few years ahead of you, well maybe more than a few.Three tours in Nigeria, not a scratch.I come out here..." He points to his scars "Day one, think I felt like a shaved tale." I sigh. "Bella saw it all. She was a scared five year old that's for sure. " I look at him. It was his fault he was attacked! He attacked after the poor thing was just trying to protect her young! Jake looked at me and then him. "They could fix me up,if I rotated back.
Make me pretty again.But you know what,I kinda like it.It reminds me every day what's waiting out there." He climbs up the machine. "Avatar program is a bad joke. Bunch a limp dickscience majors." He buckles in. "It's why I took my Bella out the program. She was to good for that bullshit." He grins "However, it does presentan opportunity most timely and unique, clear!A recon giri in an avatar body.
That's a potent mix, gives me the goosebumps.Such a marine could provide the intel I need, right on the ground.Right in the hostile's camp." He looks at Jake. "Look Sully, I want you to learn about this savages on the inside,
I want you to gain their trust.I need to know how o force their cooperation
or hammer them hard if they won't." Jake frowns. "Am I still with Augustine?" Dad grins "On paper.
You walk like one of her science pukes,
you quak like one...But you report to me. Can you do that for me son?" I look at Jake hoping he says no. Don't be like him...
Jake grins "Hell yeah sir." Dad grins turning the machine on. "Well all right then." He does a few test hits before walking. He stops and looks at us. "Son, I take care of my own.You get me what I need,I'll see to it you getyour legs back when you rotate home." He points at his legs. "Your real legs." Jake nods "That sounds real good sir." He looks at me. "Don't forget what I said Bella. I mean it. " Dad looks at Jake with a smile "If you have any questions just ask my daughter. " I frown at him. Of course I remembered. It was only a few hours ago.
3 hours before linked time
I was in my room looking through my storage container when there was a knock on my door. I sighed and got up opening the door to find my father. He walked in pushing pass me. "Hello to you to father." I crossed my arms and watched him look at my things. He stopped at my desk and touched  a picture. 

He frowned

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He frowned. "How did you get this?" I walked over and grabbed it looking at it for a minute before placing it on a shelf.  "When she was in the hospital she gave me it. Before......The cancer took her....." I look away from him. My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 Breast Cancer while my dad was deployed. By the time he came back it was to late and she died a week later.....She was my best friend.......

"Is there something you wanted to tell me dad or.........What?'' I asked sitting down. "I heard from Parker your back in the program." I sigh. "Yep" I say quickly. "Your older now, I need you to spy for me. Report back just like when you first started. But this time don't get distracted by that damn monkey." I frown at him. "NO, Dad. I'm not doing this for you. And there also people so please stop calling them that." I saw rage in his eyes but he just smirked at me. "No?" he whispered. "That's okay then." He smiled walking towards my shelf. He smiled looking at my things. He made one quick movement and through it off breaking all my glass vases from my mother. I felt tears form in my eyes. He went to the picture frame next. "NO! Ill do it! Just leave it. Its the only picture I have of her!" I fell to the floor in tears. "I'm glad you changed your mind. " He walked passed me. "Step out of line again and this room will be the last room you'll ever see." He whispered leaving the room. I walked to the glass and picked it up crying. I miss you mom.......

End of flashback

I blink my eyes going back to now. I looked up and saw Jake looking at me. "Daughter? " He questions. I look at him and walk away. He just like my father and I don't want to be around that. I'll do what I want. My father has no idea what's in store for him....

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