Chapter 5: Dreams Only Last for a Night

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Jack's POV:

The phone rings, and I see it's Alex's dad. He's always been nice to me, but it's odd that he would be calling. Hesitantly, I pick up.

"Hey, Jack, is Alex over at your place?" he asks.

"Uh, no, why?" I reply.

"He's missing. I thought maybe he'd be there. Do you know where he might be?"

"I'm afraid not, sir." I know exactly where Alex might be.

"Oh, thanks anyway, kiddo," he says sadly, hanging up.

I climb into bed, unable to sleep. I know where Alex would probably be. He might be at our hangout spot. He always went there when something was wrong. Suddenly, I get a feeling. A sinking feeling. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't escape the feeling that something wasn't right. I jump out of bed, putting my shoes on and pulling Alex's sweatshirt back over my head. I sneak out as quickly and quietly as possible, running as fast as my legs will take me toward the bridge where we always met. I get there, seeing Alex.

I've never seen a silhouette look so sad and empty. "Alex!" I call out, being ignored. I run over just as his foot steps off the ledge. I quickly grasp his hand, holding onto it like my life depended on it, when really, his life depended on it.

"Jack, let go!" he yells, fighting against my grip. I refuse to let him go. I can't lose him.

"Lex, please, let's talk about this. I can't lose you. Don't do this," I start crying uncontrollably, and he stops struggling against me. He's so thin, it looks like he hasn't eaten in weeks. I see the cuts on his wrist and my heart drops. When he needed me most, I wasn't there. This was all my fault.

"I need to do this, Jack. Just know, I've loved you since the start, as more than friends. But you're straight, and that's okay. Just let me go," he murmurs, pulling as hard as he can against my hand. It's so sudden that I lose my grip, causing him to fall.

"ALEX, NO, PLEASE NO!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

I jolt awake, staring at my ceiling fan. I'm sweating and crying, the sheets completely messed up. It was just a dream. Alex isn't dead. Lex is okay. The thing that sticks in my mind, though, is how thin he was and the cuts on his wrist. I honestly haven't noticed him getting thinner by the day, and I never would've imagined him cutting. That wasn't the Lex I knew. He'd never hurt himself. It was just a dream.

It's 4:35 a.m. but I was too scared to even think of going back to sleep. Alex didn't meet me last night. He wanted nothing to do with me and it was all my fault. I didn't deserve him, anyway. I never did.

I click my phone on and see a message from Alex, to my surprise.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

I love you more Jack

Maybe he just couldn't make it earlier. That had to be it. I needed this boy back in my life. I couldn't stay away any longer. He needed me, as I sure as hell needed him. I didn't care about my feelings for him, he was more important than the guard I tried to put up. I pull on his sweatshirt and put on my shoes, this time for real, and walk toward his house.

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