Chapter 6: Sick Little Games

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Jack's POV:

I get there, seeing his dad's car isn't there. That's odd, considering it's 5:16 a.m. I take the hidden key and open the front door, making sure to put the key back where I found it. I take the all-too-familiar path to Alex's room, opening the door slightly. In the moonlight, he looks so peaceful. He's so innocent. He deserved so much better than me.

My eyes travel to his wrist, and my dream was correct. There were scars all over his arm, some of them being way too fresh. I double take, walking backward, but trip over my own feet. Alex stirs slightly, sighing. He stretches his legs, immediately wincing in pain. "Fuck," he murmurs to himself.

I approach him as quietly as possible, and I notice a bruise on his leg. It's large, and it looks fairly new. It looks like someone hit him. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, but I didn't like the sight of that. I never thought his dad would be the type to hit him, but in the moment, I'm not even sure. "Lex, we need to get you out of here," I say, shaking his shoulder. He slowly opens his eyes, and when they make contact with mine, they widen in shock.


"I'm here, Lex."

"No you're not," he says, pushing me away with as much strength he can muster with his bruised, mostly starved body. Spoiler- it wasn't very effective.

"You don't have to trust me, I don't even expect you to. I just can't see you like this. I know you're hurting and I want to be here for you."

"Can't you just leave me the fuck alone, Jack? After you made me feel like shit, you're trying to come back into my life?"

He breaks down, his feeble body shaking uncontrollably. I sit beside him and hold him against my chest. He caves for a second, but moments later, he pushes me away from him, stronger this time.

"Leave, Jack," he sobs.

"Lex, please-"

"Get the fuck out of my house!" he yells. I know I shouldn't leave. I know I should stay until he feels better, but again, my brain doesn't function around him.

"Okay, then stop putting on this 'I'm so depressed' act when you're the one pushing people away. Sure, rely on your blades and rely on starving yourself. Because that's fucking genius of you, Alex." He gasps, staring at me with the saddest, most betrayed pair of eyes I'd ever seen. I run out of that house, breaking down when I see my own house coming into sight. I can't believe myself. I'm such a horrible person.

I'm going to make it up to him one day.

Alex Gaskarth, this isn't over.

I won't give up without a fight.

Even if that fight is against myself.

Alex's POV:

"Rely on your blades and rely on starving yourself," he says cooly. "Because that's fucking genius of you, Alex." I can't breathe. My airways appear to have completely stopped working. He knows. He saw the scars, and he doesn't even care. I can't move my lips to form words. I try to search his face to see if he meant it or not, but it's too dark to see anything. I'm in plain moonlight, while he's in the shadows.

Before I can get myself to form words, he runs out. "Jack!" I call after him. I don't get a response, so he either didn't hear me, or he ignored me. It's probably the latter. What else did I expect?

I guess I want him to care, but I want to be done with his sick little games. I'm falling for a guy that makes me want to end my life.

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