Chapter 22: Running From Lions

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Alex's POV:

I run away from Jack, but it only lasts for a few seconds before something wraps around my wrist and face, pulling me to the shadows. I try to squirm away, but since I'm so weak from lack of food, I can't break free of my attacker's grasp. The person whips me around and I immediately recognize it to be Jack's father.

Shit. He found us.

"What did I tell you, Gaskarth?" he growls, gripping the top of my shirt tightly.

"I'm sorry, I had to see him once, we're still friends and... and I don't think it's fair for you to take away your son's happiness," I say confidently. I don't know where the sudden strength comes from, but I have an inkling that it came from being with Jack.

"You don't make him, my straight son, happy," he spits, pushing me to the ground. "And if I ever see him with you again, it won't end well for either of you, do you understand?"

"Do whatever the hell you'd like to me," I reply, standing up. "But don't you dare lay a finger on him, or I swear to god, I'll call the authorities in a heartbeat." He stops talking and almost looks taken aback, as if he didn't consider that hurting his son was against the fucking law. "I love your son more than you ever will," I retort angrily, running back home before another word can be spoken.

I get home as the sun starts to shade the horizon an array of pinks, reds, and oranges. The crisp November air makes a point of removing any sense of feeling from my fingertips and nose, and the situation with Jack makes a point to remove any sense of happiness. Of course, I'm glad I have him, but there's so much we have to deal with.

Maybe we shouldn't even be together. Maybe none of this is worth it. Maybe he and I are destined to find someone else later in our lifetimes, since we're both still so young.

I want nothing more than to be held by him right now and to have him whisper that everything will be okay, but he's at home with his controlling father, completely oblivious to the situation. It's not his fault, and if I actually think about it, it's my fault. If I just told Jack, this might be a little easier to bear. Then again, I don't want to damage his relationship with his father, since they actually seem to have a good one... in Jack's eyes, anyway.

I throw myself onto the front lawn and cry. I cry because I'm forever traumatized from being sexually assaulted after school yesterday, I cry because of my father abusing me, I cry because of the cuts littering my hips, I cry because of my constant need to feel hungry in fear of getting fat, I cry because of the anxiety that plagues my life, I cry because of Jack's father, and I cry because I was cut off right before I could finally tell him that I loved him.

I was so in love with him, and it was as clear as day. The brown-haired quiet boy who loved his music more than anything was the one who had my heart from the beginning. I'm just a sucker for everything that he does, and I find myself falling for him more and more with every passing day.

It's Friday, so I decide to actually go to school today since there were bound to be tests. I shed my skinny jeans to replace them with a fresh pair, putting on a plain navy blue shirt. I brush my hair a little and brush my teeth as I pull socks onto my feet, splashing cool water on face when I'm done in hopes of looking less tired, but it doesn't work, and I honestly don't care anymore. It's not like looking nice will make a difference.

I notice it's only 6:30, so I had about half an hour before I needed to walk to school, which starts at 8. I think about eating breakfast, but I quickly push the thought aside. I didn't want to put more poison into my body.

I stare at the ceiling from my bed, once again letting my mind wander to Jack. He's starting to get sick of the mess between us, and honestly, I don't blame him. I stay away from him in fear of losing him completely, but by doing that I also risk losing him completely. It's like I'm running from my fears but I'm leaving him in the dust.

Running from lions never felt like such a mistake.

I pick up my lyric notebook, suddenly inspired. I usually channel my feelings into writing lyrics, and, as usual, it helps.

Get me out of this place before I cause more damage
A small price to pay for building houses out of matchsticks
When things get too hot
You've got me to blame
For every fire that breaks out in every lover's name...

I glance at my clock, realizing it's already 7:15. I quickly sling my backpack over my shoulder and run out the front door, jogging part of the way to school.

"Alex!" calls a voice. I turn around straight into Jack, who wraps me in a hug, kissing my forehead softly. "Good morning," he murmurs.

"Good morning Jacky," I reply, causing him to smile at the nickname. I feel him bury his face in my hair, probably to hide a blush. I smile into his chest and cuddle into him further.

"Can we just stay here forever and not have to go to school?" he whines.

I pull away from him, laughing quietly. "I wish, but it's Friday so there's probably tests."

He groans, taking my hand in his. "I guess," he says in defeat. We walk to school together, and for that fifteen minutes, everything feels okay.

We approach the front gate, and I quickly pull my hand from Jack's. He gives me a sad look, and I shoot him an apologetic one. He sighs and crosses his arms in front of him, looking down as he walks through the front doors.

"Jack!" I call after him right before the doors shut. I walk in as he looks at me, confused. I quickly look around the hallway to ensure no one is looking, and I gently press my lips to his. He smiles into the kiss, placing his hands on my cheeks to hold me there. I reluctantly pull away, pecking him on the tip of his nose before walking to my locker, turning around one last time to see a lazy smile on his lips and a slight blush painting his face a rosy pink.

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