[Chapter 1] - A Hero's Arrival

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(S/C) - Skin Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(A/N) - Author's Note


(Author's POV)

The Outskirts of Honno City

The warm sun pierces the skies with it's mighty rays, and the sky is blue as always. Well, unless it's a different color for you, then I don't know what planet you're fucking on.

Anyways, it was a nice day out. It was also peaceful too. It was quiet for the most part, and everything seems to be norma-


And there goes the fucking normality. Welp, it was fun while it lasted.

A young boy seemingly fell from the sky... Well it was only a few feet off of the ground, but still, he appeared out of nowhere. The camera is on his backside for some odd reason while he landed on his ass.

???: Ugh... (sucks teeth) Rough landing. You know I wish they could put some fucking mattresses around here so I won't accidently fall onto some fucking solid concrete.

This (S/C) skinned young lad has short straight (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, and some (F/C) glasses. Along with that, he was wearing a blue shirt with a giant white circle with a red letter "M" in the center, and some dark blue skinny jeans. Shoes? That's for your own imagination. He also was carrying a (F/C) backpack filled with some items that would be explained later.

The camera finally turns to him, revealing his face in all of it's finest glory.

(Y/N) (L/N)

(Y/N): What the fuck? Actually... Yeah I like having these letters here. It shows some sort of dominance with my name.

Oh yeah, he can break the fucking fourth wall too. SOMEONE BRING THE FLEX TAPE.

(Y/N): Listen Author-kun I appreciate you basking in my awesomeness, but using flex tape won't be necessary. I've broken the fourth wall too many times to count.

Well I had to fucking do all the taping myself you know. And what were you doing? Sitting on your ass doing nothing but playing some Smash Ultimate.

(Y/N): Do you wanna fucking throw down?! I'm ready to kick your ass with my Ganondorf if I have to!

You mean spamming foward smash? Yeah, real nice strategy you have there.

(Y/N): Ugh... this is isn't getting anywhere fast. I'm just going to ignore you and push foward onto the story.

Fucking... Whatever.


(Y/N): So... This is Honno City?


(Y/N): Looks like a giant spiral. It's probably going to take fucking hours before I get to the top. And ain't nobody got time for dat.

Well too fucking bad, we have to go in order for the story to progress.

(Y/N): Well that sucks. Welp, (points his index finger to the sky) cue the title card!

 Welp, (points his index finger to the sky) cue the title card!

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