[Chapter 20] - Fighting Against a Worthy Foe

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(A/N) - Author's Note


(Author's POV)

The camera cuts to Tsumugu, who was firing thousands of those needles at you. The needles bounced off of you, and you just scoffed at the attempt to attack you.

(Y/N): It's funny how oblivious you are to your own insignificance.

Your eyes glisten blue, and you swiped Blue Buster horizontally. Tsumugu was then struck with a blast of wind from just the swipe of the sword. He was slammed into the wall with his robot struggling to get up.

(Y/N): Tch. You're not really much of an opponent, are you? A sandbag, if you will.

???: (Y/N)!!!

You turned around to see two figures in a bright light. A very sadistic smile only widens to see a clearer view of the two people. Ryuko, who was wearing Senketsu, and Satsuki, who was wearing Tatsumatsu.

(Y/N): Weeell, weeell, weeell... Look who we have we here.

Satsuki: Stand down, (L/N).

Ryuko: (Y/N)! Snap out of it, this isn't like you!

(Y/N): Hah. Ain't this hilarious? You two, of all people, joined hands to stop ME?

Ryuko: Jeez... What did they do to you (Y/N)?

Great question Ryuko, lemme answer that right now.

(flashback thirty minutes ago)

You were basically forced onto the COVER, and the Marionette Thread did it's dirty work. It rewrote your memories and fucked everything up with your brain. Now you were a loyal dog to Skittles Bitch and Pigtails Asshole. The pain you were feeling eventually faded away, and you find yourself in a state of bliss.

Ragyo: How does it feel, (Y/N)? The pleasure of being enveloped by the special COVERS?

Nui: Made especially by me!

(Y/N): This... Is amazing. I love this feeling, it's actually a fucking rush of adrenaline I never felt before!

Ragyo: (giggles) No one else in the world would ever feel this type of pleasure. Enjoy it to the fullest.

(Y/N): Hell yeah I am. I'm not wasting any precious time while wearing this thing!

Nui: Mhm! Not even I would be able to experience the feeling. I'm actually jealous of you, (Y/N)-kun!

Ragyo: The Life Fibers within Nui's body resist all others. Even if she uses a Kamui, she won't be able to use its powers.

Nui: Right, which is why I chose to be the Grand Couturier. I could create the ultimate Kamui myself.

Ragyo: You should be able to understand how I feel right now.

(Y/N): Heh, well of course. People exist just for the sake of clothing.

Ragyo: Correct. The beings that stand in the very apex of life on this planet. That is what Life Fibers are.

Nui: Hey, (Y/N)-kun. Hurry up and show us! We want to see you looking you're best.

May I mention that Nui is performing VERY suggesting hands signs while she's speaking?

(Y/N): Why of course, Nui.

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