[Chapter 13] - An Avenger's Hero

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(E/C) - Eye Color


(Author's POV)

Ryuko: Is that...

Nui: Mhm! This is the other half of your Scissor Blade! I pulled it out straight from your father's dying eyes!

(Y/N): Wait, what the fuck?! It was YOU?!

Nui: Thaaaaat's right! I was the one who stabbed her father, lit the mansion to ablaze, and killed him!

This went from zero to a thousand really fucking quick. You were still in shock with the series of events that were just thrown at you all at once. You looked at the purple Scissor Blade, then right back at Ryuko. She has a shadow casted over her eyes. You could actually FEEL the rage building inside of Ryuko right now, and it's terrifying. Her Seki Tekko was even triggered without her moving!

Tatsumatsu: Uh oh.

(Y/N): R-Ryuko... Listen. L-Let's try to calm down he-


She charges at Nui at full speed, completely clashing her Scissor Blade with the purple one. A blast of wind formed that caused you to stab your sword into the ground to stabilize yourself. Ryuko has bloodlust in her eyes while Nui just stood there with a carefree expression. She kept hacking and slashing at Nui, but it wasn't doing anything effective towards her since she was parrying all of them.

Ryuko: Tell me! Why did you kill my dad?! My dad said if I find the other half of the Scissor, then I'll find the person who killed him! And what do you know, he was damn right! You were in my house during that day, weren't you?!

Nui: Yep! I sure was!

Ryuko: Why? Why did you kill him?!

Nui: You already know the answers!

Ryuko: Don't give me that crap! I don't know anything about my dad!

Nui: Your outfit says otherwise though! Your dad crossed the line mankind was never meant to cross. He committed a taboo, but they do sure feel nice don't they?

Ryuko: Bite me! The woman I saw that night was you?!

Nui: You got that right! If I knew that a girl as cute as you was on her way, I would've stayed right there and waited for you too!

Ryuko: You fucking asshole!

Nui: Do you really think you can avenge your father with THAT? Man, you really are more naive than I thought you were.

Ryuko: THAT DOES IT!!!

Ryuko wasn't in the right mind at the moment. Saying that she's was enraged was an understatement. She was LIVID. Pissed off, furious, or even vexed can't describe the feelings Ryuko was having right now. You were actually kind of scared of her in this state of mind. It was like trying to tame a trigger-happy murderer who has a assault rifle. You can only back away from Ryuko while she went on a frenzy against Nui.

Tatsumatsu: This isn't looking good...

(Y/N): What are you talking about?

Tatsumatsu: With that amount of anger in her system... Her blood heat would be skyrocketing by now. And since Senketsu is powered by her blood...

(Y/N): Wait... Oh shit! Ryuko!

It was too late, Senketsu was already getting dizzy with all the heat Ryuko was generating. The straightened life fibers were now starting to get tangled up, her blood started pouring out,and she finally transforms into this... Monstrosity.

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