[Chapter 4] - Explanations and Expositions

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(E/C) - Eye Color


(Author's POV)

(Y/N): Kamui Tatsumatsu! Activate!

Tatsumatsu: Understood. Initiating battle form.

Ryuko: Wait WHAT?!

A bright light consumes the entire arena, blind almost everybody. After a few seconds, the light dies down. Ryuko stared wide eyed at you as you released some unthinkable power.

(Y/N)'s Thoughts: HOLY SHIT! The power is soaring through my veins! This is some new kind of energy I've been introduced to!

(Y/N): Hehe... How do you like me now bitch?

Ryuko: What the?! That gray jacket was a kamui!? Where the hell did you get that!?

Omiko: I wasn't expecting this!

(Y/N): And now for my next trick...

You gripped onto the tennis racket you were holding.

(Y/N): I call upon Earth!

Small pebbles surrounded your hand, and then your tennis racket glowed a silver-ish color. Afterwards, the entire racket was made out of steel! The wood, the string, everything!

(Y/N): The durability of this racket is now almost unbreakable! I shall use this, to fuck you up!

Sanageyama has seen enough, and blew his whistle, in hoping of faulting both of you once more.

Sanageyama: (blows his whistle) Faul-!

Suddenly, pillars of light soar through the sky, grabbing everyone's attention. Satsuki stands at the top of the Academy and she stares down at Omiko.

Satsuki: It's alright.

Omiko looks back at Satsuki before she continues.

Satsuki: Play along Hakodate. Show them the power of a Two-Star.

Omiko: (bows) Yes milady!

Sanageyama: (bows) As you wish!

Ryuko glares at Satsuki, as if a bull was ready to run through a China shop. However, you weren't all that fazed since you were still looking at Satsuki with a bored expression.

Ryuko: Satsuki Kiryuin, you're watching from on high, issuing orders to your lackeys, same as always. Tch, it's creepy.

(Y/N): (rolls eyes) It's fucking whatever, it's not like she's going to come down here and fight anyways. She's a fucking pussy for all I know.

Satsuki was unfazed by your comment, but she could sense her patience wearing thin, so she decides to cut in.

Satsuki: You both are going to show me just how much of that Kamui's power you can tap into.

Ryuko: (eyes widen) You bitch... You know that this thing is called a Kamui?!

Satsuki: Not so fast. Your opponent is over there.

Ryuko sucks her teeth as she flips grips onto the blunt side of her sword, while you held onto your steel tennis racket. Omiko points her giant racket at both of you.

Omiko: I'm going to use you both as live-fire exercises to loosen up for the Hokkaido away series!

Ryuko: Show us what you got then!

(Y/N): Fuck yes we about to do this shit!

Ryuko serves as a bright red light illuminates from her scissor blade. Omiko was only barely able to catch it while struggling to serve back.

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