[Chapter 5] - (Y/N) vs Satsuki

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name


(Author's POV)

(Y/N): You crossed the line for jeopardizing my friend's life Satsuki, and for that I just ask you. Are you ready?

Satsuki's smirked into grew wider as she was finally about to have a real fight with you.

Satsuki: You're something else, (L/N). You'll do anything for Matoi's sake, and here you are, trying avenge for her.

She then nods at you as you gripped Blue Buster.

Satsuki: I am ready.

(Y/N): Then prepare yourself, Satsuki Kiryuin!!!

You jumped into the air and dived towards Satsuki, ready to strike.

(Y/N): Pyre Blade!

You slammed Blue Buster onto Bakuzan, generating a heatwave that knocked a few students off their feet. The Elite Four was watching from a distance, closely inspecting you on your battle tactics.

Sanageyama: You're catching all of this, Inumuta?

Inumuta: Of course, this will give us information on what (L/N) is capable of.

Nonon: I guess I'm kinda excited to see what (L/N) is going to do too.

Back to you, Satsuki has a giant smirk on her face. She slashes you, making you jump back and rushing at her.

(Y/N): Infinity Slash!

You swiped your sword in multiple directions towards Satsuki. However, she blocks all of the hits with Bakuzan with ease.

(Y/N)'s Thoughts: She's fast... I have to break her guard somehow...

Tatsumatsu: You have elemental powers right? How about attacking her at a longer range and let her approach you.

(Y/N)'s Thoughts: Good idea.

You took a strong swing of Blue Buster before jumping backwards a few meters. You then stuck out your left hand as it radiates large amounts of heat.

(Y/N): Triple Fireball!

Three soccerball sized fireballs shot out of your palm as they all flew towards Satsuki. She kept her composure as she ran up to you, quickly dodged the fireballs, and engaged in another sword fight.

Satsuki: This battle is very thrilling. You're a challenging opponent to fight against.

(Y/N): Same for you. I could barely make a scratch on you.

Suddenly, you used both of your hands to grip your blade as you pointed it in Satsuki's direction. You began spinning as you became a human beyblade.

(Y/N): Whirlwind!

Satsuki quickly blocked your fury of attacks with Bakuzan, but she was clearly getting hit by the attack. You finally slowed down go a halt and tried to get your bearings and not fall on your ass for getting dizzy.

(Y/N): Fuck... I love that move but it makes me super dizzy...

Tatsumatsu: Please try not to do that again.

Satsuki was panting while some small cuts were visible on her skin. The Elite Four was surprised to see Satsuki actually having a fair fight.

The camera cuts to Ryuko, who was still weak on the ground. However, the pain felt numb as she was too amazed to be even feel weak at the moment. She was witnessing you in the actual fight for the first time, showing all of these flashy moves that are actually doing some small damages to Satsuki. You were technically fighting Satsuki when she couldn't herself.

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