Chapter 28

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"I swear to God Marvel, if you do not get here in the next five minutes, I am going to get Johanna to hack you apart with her axe." 

"Come one, Clove. Lighten up." 

"This is the second time you've been late. The second time. All I know is, you better be in costume when you get here." 


Clove ended her phone call with Marvel, running a hand through her hair. Annie came up behind her friend, placing a hand on the raven girl's shoulder. "Calm down," Annie said soothingly. "Cato should be the one worrying, not you." 

Clove bit her lip, turning to the red head. "But what if she says no? What then?" Annie replied with, "This is Glimmer we're talking about. She's going to say yes." 

"I know that," Clove sighed. "I think it's her saying yes that scares me." 

And on that note, Clove walked off, in search of her best friend. 


Clove found Cato backstage in the auditorium, mouthing song lyrics. "Hey!" he said once e was her, his lips breaking into a grin. "Hey," Clove said back before giving him a hug. "You nervous?" 

Cato shrugged. "A little bit, but I think once I see her, I'll be fine." Clove gulped. "Well, when is she supposed to get here?" 

"Ten minutes, why?" 

Clove scowled, folding her arms over her chest. "Marvel isn't here yet. And it's going to take us a bit to strap him up. Speaking of that, Peeta and Katniss are busy helping Finnick. 

As if it was on cue, the two friends heard a scream come from the stage. They rushed over, and there was Finnick. He was in the wings, suspended into the air. He was held up by clear wire, and he did not look amused. "Remind me why I am doing this again?" 

"Because," Peeta chuckled. "Clove said..." Finnick cut him off, "And whatever Clove says goes. Yeah, I know." Clove smirked and gave Finn a thumbs up. "Good boy," she said, before heading back out to the stage and hopping down from it. 

Marvel burst through the double doors, frown on his face. "I hate this," he muttered to himself, hands hanging limp at his sides. He was in costume, like Clove wanted. Angle wings and all/ 

The sour boy headed back to the stage to get strapped up. 

Clove nodded as her eyes darted across the room. "Okay," she said to herself. "It looks like operation Ask Glimmer To The Dance is a go. Unfortunately." 


When Glimmer walked into the auditorium, she was absolutely speechless. Cato sat on a stool on the stage, microphone in front of him. He smiled, and then started to sing. His friends were all backstage, playing music. Gale strummed his guitar while Jackie played the piano. 

Toward the end of the song, Marvel and Finnick flew in and pretended to be flying. The two teenage boys plastered fake smiles on their faces and shot plastic arrows across the stage, almost hitting one another in the process. Behind them, a large white banner came down with the words Valentine's Day Dance? sprawled across them in red letters. 

Madge smirked, admiring her cursive letters up there for all to see. 

Clove stood in the wings, biting her lip. Her eyes went back and forth between Cato and Glimmer, and she felt hot tears spring to her eyes. Using the palm of her hand, she wiped them away, and sniffed. She promised herself that she wouldn't cry. And when Clove Sevina makes a promise, she intendeds to keep it. 


Glimmer said yes, of course. Just like Annie said she would. Everyone was already out of school and headed for home, except for Cato and Marvel. "Cato!" Marvel hollered, getting the blonde boy's attention. 

"What's up?" Cato asked, swinging his bag over his shoulder. "I am," Marvel declared, looking down to the ground. "Can you help me down?" Marvel was currently stuck, still suspended into the air. 

Cato sighed. "I don't know how I would do that, bud." Changing the subject he said, "I'm glad Glimmer said yes." Marvel huffed out a, "I'm not." 

Cato raised his eyebrows, waiting for the other boy to go on. 

Marvel sighed before adding, "Clove, you dumb ass. I'm talking about Clove."

"What the hell does this have to do about Clove?" 

"Can't you see it? Man, we all thought it was obvious." 

"See what?" Cato demanded, beginning to get impatient. 

"She loves you, you idiot!" Marvel yelled. "And you can't see it. She doesn't love you like a brother, you know. She loves you, loves you. And it's killing her that you chose Glimmer. She doesn't think she's good enough for anything anymore. She thinks if you're happy, than she'll be okay. That's why she's doing all of this. To make you happy. When in all reality, she's breaking on the inside. And you're not there to see it." 

Cato, who couldn't care hearing anymore, stormed out, leaving  Marvel in the air. 

Ms. Trinket walked in a few minuets later, and screamed once she saw the boy in the costume. Marvel rolled his eyes. "I told Clove this was a pathetic thing to wear," was all he said. 

News: The Ring Pop Wars rewritten edition has two chapters up! As well as the prologue for The Slaughter House! 

I had dance this morning and my legs are so sore! Besides that, there's really nothing else that I have to say. 

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