Chapter 13

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Clove found herself at the skating rink again later that evening, and much to her amazement, she wasn't the only one with the same idea. 

Clove walked through the double doors, wiping her feet on the little area rug. It was snowing outside, and the girl's boots were covered with it. Her whole body felt numb, so she was extremely anxious to lace up her skates and start moving. 

She started to make the walk to the back of the building, but the sound of blades on ice stopped her. Cato was on the ice, fooling around. Judging by his appearance, Clove guessed he had been there for awhile. His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat. His face was red, very red, and his shoulders were slouching. He was breathing heavily, but yet, he was still quick on his feet. 

Clove completely froze, her eyes glued on the blonde boy on the ice. She was mesmerized, transfixed in the way he moved. It was tough, yet graceful. She stood there for a bit, eyes locked on him. He still had yet to see her. 

A mischievous smile formed on Clove's lips. She very cautiously ducked down and crawled, yes she crawled, to the back of the building. She set her stuff down in the girl's changing room, and shrugged off her jacket. She wore a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt, and she took off her snowy boots that were now soaking wet. The snow was melting, and she didn't want her feet to be all wet. 

Clove tied her hair up in a ponytail, and then walked through the room with just socks on her feet. She grabbed her phone from her bag before going up to the sound booth. The sound booth was were all of the music was controlled, and if there was an event going on, all of the lights. 

The teenage girl plugged her phone in, pleased to see her best friend still going at it on the ice. She turned on the microphone, then selected a song from her play list. She smirked as she turned the audio up. Soon, the whole rink was being blasted with a country song. 

Cato halted, almost tripping on his own two feet. he looked up, and he saw Clove, rocking out up in the sound booth. She sang along with the song, dancing around to the music. Cato couldn't help but laugh. 

Clove cut the music, gazing down below her. "Hey Goliath!" she said through the microphone. She gave Cato a small wave. "I figured you might want some music to skate to!" 

Cato chuckled, chest heaving up and down. "Goliath?" he questioned with raised eyebrows. "I thought you'd come up with something better than that, Clover!" 

Clove rolled her eyes as she made her way back down the stairs. "And what about you!" she called. "All my nickname has is my name with an r added on to it! That's not very original!" 

Clove was now up against the wall of the rink, leaning over it. Cato skated over to her, grin on his face. "Why, you don't like my nickname for you?" he asked. Clove stuck her tongue out at him. "I never said such a thing," she replied. "Utter nonsense, that is." 

She ran and laced up her skates as quick as she possibly could before joining Cato in the ice. 

"What I do know, Goliath," Clove said. "Is that I am a far better skater than you'll ever be."

Cato cocked his head to the side. "Really now? Is that a challenge, Cloverfield?" 

She shrugged. "I believe that it is." 

The two teens began making their way around the ice, throwing in a few tricks when they felt like it. Cato may have been tired, but he never backed down from a challenge. Clove knew this, but she was just as stubborn as her best friend was. That often lead to many competitions to see which gender proved worthy of a specific task. Let's just say that neither one of them liked to lose. 

"Getting tired?" Clove mocked, seeing Cato's face turn an even deeper shade of red. "Never," he replied, skating past her. Clove sighed, but went after him. Before she knew it, she was being lifted up in the air by a pair of strong arms. 

"Cato!" Clove squealed. He laughed in response. "Clove!" he mocked. "I though you said you liked doing partner lifts!" "Yeah, when I know I'm going to be lifted above a freaking sheet of ice!" 

The two chuckled again, then that turned into fits of laughter. Cato was so caught up with Clove and his arms and legs worn out that they gave way. Cato tripped on his own two feet, crashing down. he took clove down with him. She screamed in shock, and Cato almost dropped her. He quickly brought her down and clutched her tightly to his chest as they tumbled down. 

Cato took the hardest and heaviest blow. He landed hard on his back, cushioning Clove who was on top of him. He moaned as Clove opened her eyes. She had them squeezed shut out of surprise. "Cato!" she exclaimed, scrambling off of him. 

"Oh God! Cato!" 

He groaned in reply, slowly sitting up. "I'm okay," he smirked. "My back hurts like Hell, but you're fine." 

"Let's get something on that," Clove said, biting her lip. She helped Cato off of the ice and into the boy's changing room. 

"Does that mean you win?" Cato asked as he slumped down on a bench. Clove couldn't help but smile. "Yes." 

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