Chapter Three: Life

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"Bring him back!" Derricc shouted a second time to his sister and assistant, Melina. 

"Derricc, its too--"

"Then watch out!" The young man said as he moved her away from the human and jumped up on the table. 

He began pushing on the dead man's chest as they continued to send electricity directly to his heart. He looked up at the monitor to see a long straight line; a drawn out monotone sound confirming what the doctor already knew to be true.

The human had no heart beat. 

"Come on!" Derricc yelled at the lifeless body. "Synchronize him again!"

"Its too late, Derricc!" Melina fired back.

"Up the amps and shock him again!" He stopped CPR and looked at her through serious eyes, gritting his teeth. 

The young woman stared at the doctor for a moment before walking over to the machine pushing electricity through long thin tubes into the man's heart. She turned the knob, raising the voltage and then turned to look at her brother. He nodded and she pushed the large blue button on the machine's face. The man's body jerked and then Derricc continued pushing. 

"Come on, damn you!" He shouted. "The first human on this planet in centuries is not going to die on my table!" He pushed harder on the man's chest. 


"More nutrient packs, Melina." He said to her. 

She sighed, defeated, and grabbed two more bags of the blue goo moving to the table. Opening his mouth, she forced the first pouch, then the second, down the man's throat. The human suddenly went rigid for a moment before going into violent convulsions. The doctor and his assistant waited as they stared at the monitor; still a solid green line scrolled across the screen. 

"Damnit." Derricc said with defeat as he gave one last pound to the dead man's chest. 

He hopped down from the table and took off his gloves. He threw them to the floor with frustration before looking up at the small mechanical clock on his desk. He turned to Melina and sighed. 

"Note my logs that he died at--"


He turned sharply looking over at the monitor and noticed a faint bump in the green line. He stared as his medical knowledge clashed with the hope for this man's survival. Medically, it was impossible. But he hoped--


Another spike. 

Hope filled him as he rushed next to the table and looked down at the body. He then quickly walked over to the synchronizing machine and turned the knob to its lowest setting. He pushed the blue button and the body jumped again. 

*Blip-boop. Blip-boop*

"A heartbeat." Derrricc whispered as he looked at the little spikes on the monitor. "Faint, but its there." 

"He's....alive?" Melina asked in astonishment. 

"His heart is beating on its own at least." He said as he rushed back to the table. As he looked the body over he saw that the wounds were all leaking blue. The nutrients had done their job and stopped the hemorrhaging, but...

"He still isn't breathing on his own." 

He went to the far wall and opened a small chest that sat on a pearl like counter. He reached inside and pulled out a long, thin plastic tube attached to what looked like a small bellows. He rushed to the table and gently shoved the long tube down the man's throat and into his lungs. Carefully he began pumping the bellows. The man's lungs expanded and expelled precious air while his skin began to pink up.

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