Chapter Seven: Trouble

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Kathryn passed the heavy bowl of mashed potatoes down to the end of the large table where Maylo and his family were sitting. They had enjoyed small talk before the meal was served. Now the dining room was filled with the sounds of flatware clanging against plates and the children laughing.

"How are you feeling, Maylo?" Kathryn asked him as she took a sip of her Bara juice.

"I've healed well, actually." Maylo responded with a smile through a full mouth of food. "How are you holding up, Your Highness?"

"Its touch and go. Some days are better than others." She forced a light smile.

Maylo had come to her days before and grieved with her. It was then that she realized that he had also lost much when her husband died. Ayden had been a big part of Maylo's turn around, and what he called his redemption. He told her that he had lost a true brother; a wonderful soul he did not get enough time to know. Then she told him that Ayden was still alive and explained her dream. He believed her.

"This meal is exquisite, Samantha, really." Kathryn said to Maylo's wife.

"Well, I must thank Jakoba and his staff for allowing me to have the kitchen." Samantha replied.

"It was our pleasure." Jakoba said as he continued to serve drinks around the table. "We do not mind serving our royal family, but it was nice to not have cooking duties tonight."

"What about Skylar?" Kirstina, Maylo's sister-in-law, asked. "How is he?"

"He's much stronger than I." Kathryn put her fork down on the plate of food she had barely touched. "After our day in the gardens he seems to have come to terms with it."

"And you have not told him?" Kirstina asked as she served Goram and Amayu a plate of potatoes.

"Not yet. I don't know if I ever will. I am starting to doubt it myself." Kathryn responded as she looked down at her lap. A tear fell free and disappeared into her tunic. "Maybe it really was just....just a dream."

"I don't know, Kathryn." Maylo said. "Your husband's bloodline is said to be the most powerful. What you saw was a vision. Of that I have no doubt. We simply just have to find him." He smiled at her.

"Thank you all." Kathryn said with a large smile and teary eyes. "You've been very supportive." She rubbed the back of Skylar's head as he took a bite of steamed carrots. He looked over and smiled at his mother through orange teeth.

"We shall stand by you, Your Highness." Maylo said. "Whatever your decision."

"Thank you. What of the other Warriors? How are Torenth, Thomas and Shad Ren?"

"Thomas has been working on putting together a business. It's a shop full of harmless magics and funny gadgets for children. Torenth has been helping strengthen our guardsman and other security detail. As for Shad Ren, I have not seen him for days. But the last I heard he had retired to his home and simply stays there. He is getting up on age, after all." Maylo answered.

"I would like to meet with all of you." Kathryn said as she placed her fork on her plate and looked at him. "We have not had a formal council meeting since we returned."

"As you wish, Your Highness. Just let me know and I will gather the Warriors." Maylo said.

They finished eating as the evening moved on. Kathryn actually managed to forget about finding Ayden while engrossed in the wonderful meal and good company.

"Thank you, Jakoba." Kathryn said as she walked passed the little man who was beginning to clean up the table. He nodded and smiled in response.

Maylo had invited her and Skylar to his home for a cup of tea. Kathryn graciously declined,  telling him that she was going to spend the night with her son.

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