Chapter Five: Pressure

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It had been weeks since Kathryn had dreamed about Ayden's resurrection and even though Jakoba and other members of the staff had begged her to accept her grim reality and move on, Kathryn knew that her dream was not a wild memory her subconscious created. Instead it was a distant truth that was just barely out of her reach. Ayden was alive, she just didn't know when or where.

She walked through the hidden hallway and exited the secret door of the Timeroom that was in the same hall as her bedroom. Opening the door to her and Ayden's room, she was met by the small form of Jakoba who was putting the finishing touches on her and Skylar's dinner.

The time that had passed had not healed anything or changed much but she was once again comfortable to sleep in her own bed, most times without Skylar. She had also decided to eat meals in the room with her son so they could see Ayden in the mural. Kathryn had not told Skylar about her dream.

"Any luck?" Jakoba asked as he placed a tray down on a small table that sat against the wall across from her bed.

"No." Kathryn replied in frustration as she pulled her hair loose from its bun and let it lightly fall around her. The blue nightgown she was wearing glinted in the sunset that played through the open window. "I have searched the timeline a hundred times and cannot find Ayden. I have gone as far back as the stone ages on earth, and still nothing."

"I see." Jakoba replied as he turned around and cupped his hands together, smiling at her.

"What is that supposed to mean, Jakoba?" She asked as she walked to her nightstand and removed a large brush. She sat on the bed and began brushing her long hair. Something she had always done when she was nervous or frustrated.

"Nothing, Your Highness." Jakoba replied. "It's just...maybe it is really time that—"

"Please don't start with me." Kathryn stopped mid stride and eyed her loyal assistant.

"It has been nearly a month." Jakoba said, the smiling leaving his face.

"What's your point?" She asked.

"Your must let him go." He approached her slowly and went to touch her hand. She pulled away.

"I won't do this again with you, Jakoba."

"Ayden is—"

"Dead? We've had this discussion." Anger flashed in her eyes as she stood up and threw the brush back into the drawer of her night stand. She slammed it before pushing past him and heading for the table.

"It was a dream, Your Highness; a desperate wish of your subconscious. You had been through a lot that day." He said to her as he followed.

"Ayden is alive, Jakoba." She shot him a terrible glare. "You once told my husband that the dream of a Warrior is usually a lot more than figments of the imagination."

"Yes, and sometimes they are just dreams, Kathryn. Once someone's lifespark falls from the timeline, its over. They are gone. I am afraid what you saw was nothing more than a ghost." He said.

"You didn't see it." She stared at him for a moment. They had had this fight repeatedly over the past weeks and she was damned if she was going to admit to herself what she knew wasn't true.

"I have seen the timeline." Jakoba responded.

"I'm not doing this, Jakoba. I will find my husband and that is that." She glared once again and turned to sit at the small table.

"How? He is dead!" Jakoba shouted at her. She ignored him for a moment and sipped on her tea.

"Jakoba...." She stared at him as she set her cup down.

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