Chapter Eleven: Search

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Kathryn stared down at the large thin piece of paper reading (and re-reading)the prophecy of Shaniz. She thought hard about the words she had been studying over the past few hours and was on her third cup of Lily Root tea. She read the words and thought about her husband. She then rubbed her visibly pregnant stomach and smiled to herself.

We will find your daddy, don't you worry. She said to the little life growing inside of her.

As she studied, she wondered what had come to pass in the prophecy and what would. She also remembered Jakoba telling her that prophecies were often a matter of interpretation. They were tricky and could have many meanings.

Some of the lines she read applied well to Ayden and what had happened while others were shrouded. Some of what she read felt as though it might apply to her little Skylar more than her husband.

Hours of reading had brought a tired ache to her eyes and it was a beautiful day outside, so she folded the prophecy and returned it to the hidden drawer underneath her bed. She arched her back to stretch and yawned as she finished her tea. She walked out onto her veranda and sat at the small wrought iron table that was there.

Summer was winding down and as she peered out over the kingdom and valleys, she could see that Autumn was on the horizon. The beautiful greens were lightly polka dotted with the oranges and yellows of the oncoming season. It was her favorite; a time for endings and the hopes of new, wonderful beginnings.

The sun blazed in the light baby blue sky, but where she sat was still pleasantly shaded. A warm, gentle breeze played with her skin and danced in her ears. She wore her long dark blonde hair down, her crown neatly on top of her head.

From below she could hear the laughter of children as they chased one another through the fresh laundry that was hanging in some of the yards and she thought about Skylar. How hard it must be for him to adjust to aging six years in a matter of seconds. But she was proud of him. He had begun training with Jakoba and the remaining Warriors over the last two days and from what she had been hearing, he was a natural. Very much like another man in her life.

At that very moment, save it for her missing husband, Kathryn was content. She knew he was alive. She had her child and she was carrying her second. In order to remove the depression she felt when she thought of Ayden's disappearance, she had continued with his promise. She had met with the people from her kingdom. She listened to their stories, asked about their families and took their requests, if there were any. She felt at one with her people, and that kept her grounded; gave her something to hold onto while she prayed Ayden would soon be found.

Lost in the pleasant thoughts and beautiful scenery, she barely heard the thud of Skylar throwing himself into the chair opposite of her.

"How did your lesson with Torenth go?" She asked sweetly as she reached across the table and rustled his soft, thick black hair.

"I think I broke his leg." Skylar answered nonchalantly.

"What?!" She looked at him in shock.

"I didn't mean to. I blocked a swing from his hammer and it bounced off of my sword. It hit him in the knee." He explained to his mother through the wide, apologetic eyes of a child.

"Well, is he alright?" She asked

"Oh, I'll be fine." Torenth's large form sauntered through the door. "See, I can already walk on it." He smiled.

"Torenth, I'm sorry. I—"

"No apologies needed, Your Highness. I told the young Prince he is very talented with that blade of his. Say, have we figured out what it is made of?" He asked.

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