Chapter Thirteen: Determined

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"Stop it." Samantha said playfully as she pushed Maylo's hand from her waist. "The kids are right outside."

They stood at the counter that Samantha was using to cut poultry, filling it with herbs and butter. Maylo was cradling her from behind.

"Yes. They are outside. They aren't around the windows." Maylo said to her as he kissed her neck.

"Stop." She giggled. "I have to get the duck in."

"I can't help that you look like an angel when you're in the kitchen."

"Oh, only in the kitchen?" She looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, sometimes you look like the Devil....and it's those times that make me want you even more." He said as he lifted himself up onto the stone counter.

The home they were given was very modern. Kathryn had said she was surprised to see that most everything on Edin ran on magic or electricity. Maylo's home, like most of the others on the planet, was furnished with large metal boxes that kept food cold and fresh. There were machines that washed and dried the clothes, and even a stove and oven that operated on natural gas that came from the planet's core.

"Maylo, sometimes you are just impossible." Samantha said as she placed the duck into the oven.

"And that is why you love me." He said. She simply smiled in return.

She turned and hugged him, before making her way to the fireplace, where a small pot of broth was boiling. To it she added carrots, onions and potatoes.

"How is Skylar holding up?" She asked as she turned and leaned against the cool bricks of the fireplace.

Maylo moved across the kitchen to a window near the dining area and peered out at the young prince, playing with his sister's children in their backyard. There was a sense of awe as he watched Skylar laughing while he chased the other two kids, trying to tag them. He still couldn't believe that a boy, so innocent looking, laughing with the other kids, could hold enough power to do what he had. To touch the timeline had to be like touching the hand of God, or so Maylo thought.

"He's adjusting." Maylo stated. "His training has gone well, his magic is developing rapidly. There is something special about that little boy."

"Yes there is. A fine prince indeed. How is the queen?" She asked as she reached in and stirred the broth mix with a wooden spoon.

"Pregnant. Her midwife says the baby is developing well. She should deliver sometime in the winter." He said before biting into a raw carrot.

"I can't believe it's been nearly six months. Has she been told the baby's gender?" She asked.

"The midwife says they can tell her, but she refuses to find out."

Samantha took a breath and exhaled. So badly she had wanted to be where the queen was. She was not jealous of the Kathryn in a negative way, but instead envious. Alas, she had not been blessed with the ability to have kids. A childhood illness, which resulted in surgery, had made it nearly impossible.

Seeing her pause, Maylo moved to her and hugged her tightly.

"Someday, Sam. We will have children of our own."

She looked up at him and he was saddened to see a tear fall from her eyes. She smiled and her face lightened. Despite this one setback in her life, she was very happy and grateful for where she was.

"Where is Kirstina?" She asked, changing the subject and going back to her potatoes.

"She is seeing Terran again." Maylo said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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