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For everyone who doesn't know my group of friends really well, they automatically name us a group of unlikely B. F. Fs. I mean, on the outside we all seem different, but deep down we all just click. For starters, there's Chet Clancy. He pulls off this facade that he's this totally macho man, but we all know the truth. Chet's been on 'roids for a while now, and it cost him his Olympic days. To any chick's eye, he is a guy chiseled by the hands of God himself. With mousse-y brown hair and toned body, it's easy to see why any female would instantly fall for him. Where there's Chet, Ray Powell is not too far behind. Ray instantly gives off Jermaine Jackson vibes. He always has something to say whether it be about aerobics or the latest flick that hit theaters. Montana Duke is the Cyndi Lauper of the group. She's the one out of us girls that wears the more flashy colors, and her eyeshadow always matches. Her blonde hair is always big and crimped with a pink sweatband if she's teaching aerobics. Sloane Miller and Montana always clash since their personalities are so similar. Sloane pulls off a more batcaver style with her leather clothing and bright bold red lip. She doesn't believe in teasing her hair, but her voluminous brunette locks can fool anyone. Harrison Jackson is on the quieter side, but he will not hesitate to offer his opinion. Like Chet, he possesses big brown hair with a toned body, but he's an inch or two taller. Then there's Xavier Plympton who can always be spotted with a cross earring hanging from his left ear. His blonde hair is always styled, and he definitely has the best fashion taste out of the guys. Last but not least is me, Amanda Phipps. Everyone within our group insists on calling me "Mandy", though, because it suits me more or something. I like to keep things simple by sporting only black winged eyeliner and wearing my naturally curly brown hair. My style varies from day to day, but when I'm not in an aerobics class, I mostly wear a mini skirt and my Keds.

Our usual hangout spot is at the Aerobics 10 Studio. Xavier and Montana both teach classes there; however, we all just finished one of Xavier's classes. The guys stand near the juice counter while Sloane and I flip aimlessly through sports magazines on the couches across from them.

"She was stabbed like forty times," Xavier says. "Her throat was cut so badly she was basically decapitated."

My eyes peer over to where the guys are standing. Montana sneaks up behind the blonde, and she snakes an arm around his shoulders.

"Describing your last date?" She says.

"Hilarious," he retorts. He turns around to face her. "No. There was a murder a couple days ago in Glassel Park. My cousin works for LAPD homicide, and they're convinced whoever did it is responsible for a bunch of other unsolved murders in town. The cops are calling him the Night Stalker."

Xavier drawls out his last few words for a dramatic effect.

Sloane's attention is now grabbed as she scoffs and puts down her magazine. She sighs out as she stands from the couch to approach Xavier.

"Gag me with a spoon," she says. "All this true crime talk is giving me a headache."

"I heard serial killers become more active in the summer months when it's hot."

My attention now fixes upon a petite brunette wearing a Basic Betty outfit. I hear Sloane stifle a laugh, and I raise my eyebrow quizzically at the new girl who inserted herself into the conversation.

She looks intimidated by all the eyes that suddenly fall on her, and I almost feel bad.

"Because people sleep with their windows open," she says.

Montana turns around to greet the brunette with a smile.

"This is Brooke," Montana says. "She's new in town. Brooke this is Xavier, Ray, Chet, and Harrison."

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