Chapter 1

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But she wears short skirts

I wear T-shirts

She's cheer captain

And 'm on the bleachers

Dreaming about the day when you wake up

And find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you can see I'm the one that understands you

Been there all along so why can't you see...

...that you belong with me

'Honestly, I don't why you are doing this to yourself', Neil sighs aggravatedly as he paces through my room. The latter causing an annoyance as I was trying to do some homework.

'Neil', I say quietly, 'please, just drop it.

'I mean', he continues as if he hadn't heard me, 'he's with that other girl, what's her name? Chris? He comes to you for relationship advise, for her! For Christ's sake, Harley, I'm telling you this as your best friend, this is only gonna end up hurting you...'

Even though I'm looking at him I could hear the desperation and concern in his voice as he said that last part.

And I know that Neil is right, of course, he always is. But still, I can't help but hold on to the hope that maybe one day Knox'll see...

My thoughts are interrupted by Neil sitting down on my bed next to me, leaning his back against the headboard. He looks over at me with an expression I, honestly, can't really place before he sighs and throws an arm around my shoulders.

'Wanna help me practice my lines for the play?' he asks finally in an almost defeated tone.

I lean my head against his shoulder, closing my eyes and letting out a content sigh before lifting my head again: 'Sure.'

And that's what we did. From time to time, Neil would let out a giggle when reciting a line. This would make me look at him with a stupid smile plastered on my face.

It's moments like this that kinda make me realise how handsome my best friend actually is...

Some of these moments though, he'd catch me looking, and this was one such moment. He looks over at me, and upon seeing that I'm no longer focused on the script but on him, he looks down at me and smirks. Noticing that I've been caught staring, I turn my attention back to the script, all the while feeling my cheeks heat up. Neil's arm that he's lazily wrapped around my frame tightens momentarily before relaxing again.

Our peace and quiet is disturbed however, by my bedroom door suddenly swinging open. Neil and I jump at the sudden movement and sound of the door slamming against my closet door. Neil's arm automatically unwraps itself from me as he boy hops onto the bed opposite mine as he always did to prevent getting in trouble with teachers.

'Harley!' Knox cries out happily, letting himself into my dormroom, 'You'll never guess what just happened! Oh, hey Neil.'

'Hey', Neil says, unusually shortly.

'So!' Knox continues, not seeming to notice his friend's behaviour, 'you know about that party at Casey's place where we were going to go this weekend?' I nod, 'Well, I asked Chris to come along as my date. And guess what? She said yes!'

I struggle for a second to keep a fake smile present on my face as I try to look excited, 'Oh, that's great! I'm so happy for you.'

'Thanks, I feel like I'm this close from finally getting the most beautiful girl in the world as my girlfriend!' he grins, hugging me momentarily before pushing me away again, 'anyways, I gotta go now, but thank you so much for all your advice about Chris.' He pats me on the shoulder one more time before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

As I stare at my closed bedroom door for a couple more seconds, that stupid smile still on my face, I begin to notice the tears streaming down my cheeks.

Within seconds I can feel Neil pull me into his arms. My hands rest on his chest, crumpling his shirt as I cling to him, feeling as if my knees could give out any second now. I rest my face in the crook of his neck as his arms wrap around me comfortingly.

'shh now', he whispers, 'I'm here. I'll always be here.'

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