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Quick A/N
I would like to thank @jessie5212 for her help and ideas! She is the one that kept this story moving and please check her books, they're amazing!

I was in Zemo's cell watching him as he slept. He looked peaceful. I smirked. Time to change it.

I knew that the rest of the Avengers were watching me as I pulled him on his legs and he woke up. I let him down and he fell. Why is he so weak?

"Go easy on him." I heard Natasha's voice through my com.

I helped him take a seat and then I sat in front of him.

"You've experienced a lot of pain lately, haven't you?" I said "Tell me about it"

"Please. I need you," he whispered

I moved away from him.


"He... he doesn't know any mercy. Please, Y/N, I beg you... kill me"

I was shocked. Who broke him like that?

"Why? Tell me why did he hurt you? What did he do?"

"He showed me, my family... it's my fault they're gone!" he was screaming now " If I had only stayed with them... kept them safe..."

"Are you trying to make me believe something that's not true? Because mind tricks don't work on me."

"Vision tricked you"

"He didn't trick me, he forced me. And by the way, how is he still alive? Wanda couldn't find anything in his memory that explains his existence."

"I'm not talking. He will make me suffer worse pain than ever."

"Ok. You don't really give me another choice, do you?"

I got up and took the truth serum. It should work on him.

"Y/N are you sure he will make it? It'll probably make him worse."

"Then call a doctor to take care of him," I answered and put the serum away

"He is our prisoner now, we can kill him or make him suffer. Why should take care of him if he made us break apart?" Tony said

"Because he has information we need." Wanda said „if he dies the information dies with him"

"Didn't you find something in visions memory?"

"He...didn't have a memory. It was as if the stone never was on his head"

I turned to Zemo and frowned. He wasn't acting. There's no way to find the truth out and keep him stable.

"Treat him for 3 days. I'll torture him myself afterward"

I left the room and went in mine. I sat down and looked at the deck. Soon I heard a knock and Bucky walked in. He sat down next to me and stroked my hair and face. He cupped my cheek and leaned down. He placed a soft kiss on my lips. Sadly it was only for a few seconds because my phone rang.

I went to pick it up but Bucky was faster. He took me by the waist and pinned me down on the mattress. Out of instinct, I tried to flip us, but he laid on me and I couldn't move. I slapped his back.

"Get. Up."


"Maybe it's Sam calling me!"

"Do you love him more than me?"


He kissed me roughly on my lips and pulled his hips closer to mine. One of his hands flew to my left breast and started massaging it. I flinched.

He let go and looked me dead in the eyes, his jaw cleansed tightly.
"What about now?" He said lowly

"Nothing changed, Barnes. We have had sex before remember?"

He smiled dreamily "How could I forget?" He laid on my chest again.

I gave up and just held him for a second. Then my phone started ringing again. Bucky snatches it from the table and gave it to me. It was an unknown number.


"Hi, Claire! How are you! How is Steve?"

I stayed silent for a moment. Claire. Claire... OH yeah, Claire!

"Fine! How are you?"

"Just fine! It's a little weird with all of this stuff going on but I managed to find my son!"

" Good! Um, I'll call you back, I had a moment with Steve you know..."

"Ohh okay just use protection" she giggled and hang up.

I sighed and tossed my phone away. Bucky looked at me.

"Steve? You were having a moment with Steve?"

"Well, that's a long story. When I ran away from the Red Room I had to find a way and go to Moscow. So I stole a motorcycle. Then in Moscow, I had to steal tank. That's not easy. So I stayed there for some time and got to know a girl, Marry. I told her I have a husband called Steve who lives in the US and I have to go to him but I have no tank etc. Her brother sells a tank and she got me some. Now we are 'friends'. But I don't understand how she found my number..."



"They can follow the call"


He smiled.

"You have no idea how much I love you"

"Yeah, I have. You love me to the moon and back" I rolled my eyes to the typical phrase.

"I love you to the end of the universe and back"

"I thought it was infinite?"


I smiled and kissed his forehead. He then got up.

"Where are you going?"

"It's too early to sleep. I'm getting the computer to watch the rest of the Star Wars movies."

He came back with a laptop. He stripped of his clothes and laid down next to me with only his boxers. I also took my pants and shirt off. Then I took his shirt and wore it.

We laid there and watched the Star Wars 3. In the end Padmé died because she was sad and I was mad again.

"Anakin survived being on fire and she didn't manage to get over her feelings??"

"Not everyone has their shit together darling" Bucky said and kissed me. "You are really cute when your angry"

"Well, I'm about to get real fucking adorable!" I said and tried to get up.

Bucky's laugh stopped me.

"Lay down Y/N. It's fine. Do you want me to massage you?"


I turned around. I took my shirt and bra off. Then I laid on my stomach.

Bucky started off low. Slowly he went from my waist to my neck and he did such a good job with his hands. The metal was a little disturbing, but I would never admit it. He sent shocks through my body, some pain, some pleasure. After about 30 minutes he stopped.

"Let's sleep now" he whispered.

He took me in his arms and we hugged tightly. Then we fell asleep.

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