Zemo is not an idiot

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I was in the interrogation room. I tried to think of a way to get Zemo to tell me everything.

"Who told you to attack us?" I asked

"If I tell you, I die"

"You better be" I mumble and take a knife. I slowly press it under his ribs.

"You have exactly 40 seconds to tell me everything. Then you start bleeding and die slowly." I whisper in his ear.


I press it harder

"What do you want me to do?" I ask him

"To give you the information? Keep me safe. In here. No one is allowed in. Don't let him in."

"Okay" I pull the knife away. "Now tell me"

I hear a loud bang. I sigh.

"Tasha? What was that?"

"Going to check it. Get the information"

I turned to Zemo again. He had gotten up.

"The man who told me to attack you does not exist. The man who gave me orders to mess with your time though, he exists."

"What do you mean?"

"That's all I know. I'm sorry."

"Maybe," I said, "but I'm not."

I kicked his balls. He howled in pain. Then I took his face in my hands. I pressed my knife on his cheek. I slowly moved it down and created a deep cut. Red blood was trickling down his face, on my knife and my hand. He tried to shake me away, but it only made it worse.

"Tell me, and perhaps I'll show mercy on you."

"The man of Asgard!" he screamed as I approached his neck "the dead one!"

I stopped. The dead one?

"Get me, someone, to take care of him." I said in my com, "I'm going to call Thor."

Wanda and Steve walked down. Steve sat down in front of him. Wanda stood in front of him and demanded more information.

I went into the living room. I opened a Laptop. Then I thought about how to call the guardians of the galaxy. I don't think they have Skype.

Then Tasha and Bucky walked in.

"We didn't find anything. Even FRIDAY couldn't find something," she said

"We'll talk later about it," I answered "contact Thor. Zemo says Loki is behind all that."

"I thought he died?" Natasha asked

"Yeah. Me too."

Natasha called him. Bucky decided to go and check on Steve and Wanda. He looked a little confused.

Soon a tall, kinda handsome guy answered.

"Guardians of the Galaxy here," he said

"Hi! I'm Y/N Romanoff. I have to talk to Thor."

"Wait," he turned around " Thor! Y/N Romanoff wants to talk to you!"

Soon he came. He still looked fat and weird. But happy! And that's what matters.

"Hello! How are ya?"

"Fine Thor. How about you?"

"I'm also fine. What is it?"

I told him the whole story. He looked even happier now.

"try to search for him. We will also search,"

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