Just to make things clear

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Hi! It's me again, doing another Pokemon fanfic about... Elio(Sun) and Lillie! Oh, and to make things clear here are the Pokemon that the Main Characters have

Elio's Team
Hawkeye (Decidueye Male)

Nebby (Our Favorite Solgaleo!)

Lycanroc (Rare Dusk Forme Male)

Assault (Silvally)
*Remember Gladion OR Wicke will give the player Type: Null*

Nihilego (Shiny)

Charizard (Male)

Lillie's Team

Snowball (Female Ninetales)
*anime Snowball*

Clefairy- Clefable (Female)

Venusaur (Female)

Ribombee (Female)

Cosmo (Cosmog)
*Lillie's Cosmog will evolve into Lunala...*

Selene - Elio's TwinSister

Prima - Primarina

Queenie - Tsareena

Luna - Lunala

Wish - Wishiwashi

(Maybe, I'll add more

Ok, then, if anyone knows the name of the player character male and female  of Pokemon Sword and Shield please, let me know!!!
Good luck on your Pokemon Sword/Shield game!

P.S. Real chaptet starts on Monday! Oh, and sorry Amourshippers! The bext Amourshipping story will start soon and thanks for supporting Amour's Fate!!!                        -RJ

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