Ultra Beasts Chaos

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Lillie's PoV
Phew... Necrozma's finally down.
"Elio, can we go to the Altar of the Moone now?" After petting Nebby, Elio said "You sure about your choice, Lil?" I nodded, and Elio nodded.
                         * * *
"Wow! This place looks like Alola!" I managed to mumble. Elio nodded. "Because, it is Alola, only, in another dimension, I guess that Sinnoh Pokémon made this place..." Elio mumbled. "Sinnoh?" I asked curiously "Another region, I'll tell you someday. Now, you're ready, are you?" I nodded, and went tp the place, in our world, where Elio played his flute and began... and again, some mysterious force controlled our thoughts... and the Altar opened up, and my Cosmoem, Cosmo, who used her energy to protect me previously, was surrounded by the light and... "Mahina-pee!" Lunala... Cosmo became a Lunala... wow...

"La-lionna!" Huh? "Something's not right, Nebby's getting agitated. Put Cosmo back in her ball... I hope it's not the worst..." Elio mumbled worriedly. We got on Nebby quickly, and Nebby jumped into the Ultra Wormhole...
but Elio was right about something... when we came back.

Tens... no.... hundreds... no thousands... of Ultra Beasts were attacking Alola.

Nihilego were attacking the Team Skull Grunts (Cosmo's showing me through telepathy...)

Tapu Koko was battling with Kahuna Hala and Hau against some Blacephalon and Stakataka...

Trial Captains Ilimma, Mallow, Kiawe, Sophocles, Acerola and Lana were fighting against someBuzzwole and Phermosa...

Kahuna/Elite Four Olivia was using a Lycanroc Midnight Forme, and Tapu Lele was defending Akala from Kartana and Celesteela...

Kahuna Nanu was fighting with Tapu Bulu and Elite Four Members Molayne and Kahili against... 12 Guzzlord...

Kahuna Hapu was protecting a poor, injured Tapu Fini, who was healing itself while they were battling a ton of Xurxitree

While Selene and Luna, Gladion and his Silvally was warding off... more Nihilego. Mother was fighting those with her Pokémon and her own Nihilego...

"No sigh of Poipole, or Naganadel... good. Necrozma, let's go." Elio said and threw Necrozma's ball out... "I'll name you later, but first.... Nebby, Sunsteel Strike.""La - lionna!" Nebby cried, and it rushed to Necrozma... But... Necrozma... absorbed the light... A powerful glow came out of it and... "That's Necrozma's true form! The Blinding One or Ultra Necrozma!!!" I shrieked

Elio's PoV
I nodded at Lillie, then.... huh... Necrozma gave me a.... Z - Crystal.... how will use it though?
"Tapu Ko-ko-ko!" Huh? Tapu Koko's here... uh-huh, I see...

I see... "Light That Burns the Sky!" Necrozma did so... and... BAAM!!! It did burn the sky... the result... all Ultra Beasts are retreating! Wow... Necrozma's really powerful...

Author's Note
I'm really sorry, I was busy for the past... days? Months? IDK... but I'll promise you this. I'll try to at least update one chapter of one book for each month... bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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