Elio's Surprise

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Elio's POV
"Mwaaaar!" There goes my Meowth Clock. Please not now! I still don't want to wake up from my perfect dream!


Author's POV
Elio and Lillie were at their favorite spot in all of Alola, Ten Carat Hill. Lillie was eating a malasada (sorry if it's spelling is wrong), while Elio... ... ... was admiring Lillie. Unfortunately for Elio, Lillie had noticed this.
"Elio, what's the matter?" Lillie asked cutely, her emerald green eyes shining brightly in the sun, bring hope in Elio's heart. "Lillie, I have something to tell you." She nodded signaling him to continue. "When I first met you, my heart began to beat faster... and faster... Lillie, I love you!" he said without thinking. Lillie then began to blush scarlet."Elio, I-I love you too!" she said, rather flustered. They inched closer and closer. Their lips were about to meet until... ... ...


<End of Flashback>

Back to Elio's POV
Man! I was so close to kissing her! But, then it hit me... Lillie's in Kanto, with her mom. They're trying to take out all of the remaining neurotoxins of the UB-01, (In case you don't know, UB's are the Ultra Beasts in an acronym) also known as

 They're trying to take out all of the remaining neurotoxins of the UB-01, (In case you don't know, UB's are the Ultra Beasts in an acronym) also known as

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Nihilego, the Parasite Pokémon.
I just sighed. I unplugged my Pokédex with a Rotom infused in it. "Bzzzzzzt. Morning Elio? Why so gloomy?" He buzzed. I just shrugged, still thinking about my dear Lillie... I went downstairs and saw a note.

I'm off to the grocery and run some errands. Help yourself wih anything in the Fridge.

I sighed, then went to the pantry and got some cereal. As I poured out some milk on my cereal, Rotom started buzzing again."Uh, Elio.--" "Can you just pipe down!" I shouted. Honestly, I was'nt in the mood to even speak!!! "Even though it's from Ms. Lillie?"  Rotom-Dex asked. I froze. "What happened! Is she safe? Is she hurt?? Tell ME!!" I said exxageratedly. "Woah, woah, calm down Elio!' Rotom buzzed. "It's a letter that Ms. Lillie sent to you!" He chirped, them showed a message

(I'm getting tired, what if I don't   open the letter???)
(Fine, here it is...)

☆☆My Dearest Elio☆☆,

The baby Nebby that you have gave me have started a strong bond! Thanks for giving her to me! Anyway, I have great news to tell you!!!

Mom's fully recovered which only means one thing... I'M COMING BACK!!! I'm so excited to return back to Alola, and also to see-- Oops, sorry! My mind jad travelled a bit... Anyway, we're returning home Tommorow at 11:00 am! Please tell Gladion also... I'm getting sleepy. Say hi to Selene for me!!!

Lots of love,

P.S Please bring my favorite food, a malasada!

Oh my! My jaw dropped with pure joy! Lillie?!?! My Lillie is coming back HOME?!?!?!? I can't believe it! I ran out of the house, jumping with joy, and smacked into... ... ... Prof. Kukui's door. "Oh, hi Elio! Let me guess, Is Lillie coming home???" He asked
"N-no! I-it's not that!" I stuttered. Rats. My face became warmer.
"Ok, then what hour will she be returning???" Prof. Kukui asked
"At 11 am tomorrow!" I shouted without thinking. Rats. "Ok, I'll tell Kahuna Hala to prepare a party by 3:00, but before that, distract her!" He grinned and closed the door

Sorry for the really late upload...

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