The Blinding One Returns...

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(A week later)

Elio's PoV

I'm so happy... Lillie's back... she then told me about how she got Snowball to evolve into Ninetales, she found a Clefairy...
Prof. Oak, the Pokémon Professor of Kanto gave Lillie a Bulbasaur which is now a Venusaur. Oh... and...

"Cosmo... what's wrong?" Lillie asked her Cosmog worriedly. "Pew... pew..." A blinding light shot out of Cosmo and...

"Cosmo... You're a Cosmoem now?!?" Lillie said, terrified. "Don't worry, Lillie," I said, "Nebby also went in this stage... right?" She nodded... "But, still... um... Cosmo just learned Teleport... I've been switching her out with Snowball...

(I know... Cosmog's genderless...)

I smiled at her warmly... "Lillie... now, you have to decide how will you decide to evolve Cosmo... Solgaleo... or Lunala?" I asked. Lillie... shook her head. "I'm not ready for it yet... but thanks for asking... anyway... I still got my flute on me. By the way, how's your twin sister, Selene?" Lillie asked... "She's... fine." I muttered... then... "Is... it just me or... it's getting dark..." Lilloe quickly stuffed Cosmo in her bag. "Sorry Cosmo. Elio... if your hunch is right. Do not bring Nebby out!!!" I nodded. But... "What will Selene do!!!" I shouted nervously... Lillie gulped. " Oh, no... Lunala... Elio... do you have your Sun Flute???" I scratched the back of my head "Huh???" "It looks like...
Cosmo have to be a Lunala later... but... we have to save your sister!"
I nodded. To Iki Town!

(Please forgive me... I did'nt memorize the towns and cities while playing Pokémon UltraSun. But, I'm on it.)

"I hate to burst your bubble, but... how are we going to get there???" I smiled serenely and sent out Charizard "We'll fly." Lillie started to panic. What if I become nauseous! What is I become airsick? What if I fall???" I laughed. "Lillie, don't worry!!! You'll be safe. I'm here." U whispered... she's a bit panicky. "O...ok" I got on first, and she got on with me assisting. "Let's go!" Charizard flew as fast as the wind and...
Sure enough, my twin sister, Selene was resisting Necrozma furiously with her starter, Primarina. "You'll never get Luna from me!" Selene shouted. Luna's her Lunala. "Prima... use... Sparkling Aria..." Selene was getting dishearted a bit
Really. "Snowball, use Blizzard!!!" "Charizard, Flamethrower! Go, Hawkeye, and use Spirit Shackle!" I commanded. Charizard's Flamethrower hit first, then Lillie's Snowball's Blizzard, and finally Hawkeye's Spirit Shackle. Then... Selene's Prima's Sparkling Aria. Necrozma retreated... for now... "Selene... are you alright?" Selene weakly nodded. "Yeah... but... U-Ultra Wormholes..." Selene fainted. "Huh? Did... she... say... Ultra Wormholes" I nodded, then layed Selene on the Ground, then let my Silvally, Assault out, then inserted the Dark Disk in it's socket "Assault, protect Selene for me." He nodded then... "Vevevenomm..." Nihilego, Buzzwole, Phermosa, Xurxitree, Kartana, Celesteela, Guzzlord, Stakataka, and... Blacephalon. I digged in my pocket and got the Ultranecrozmium-Z. "I think... Necrozma... needs this.
-(Hmm, will I Continue this?)

Elio's PoV
"Lillie, wait for Selene to wake up. I have to do this." I got on Charizard amd sped to Mount Lanakila. "Necrozma, you want this???" Necrozma cried. And sped towards me.... wait for it... wait for it... "Ultra Ball, go!" Necrozma tried to skid to a halt, but, entered the Pokéball... by accident! One...two...three...caught!
The Ultra Beasts slowly went back to the Ultra Wormholes where they came from. Selene, closed the Ultra Wormholes with Luna. "Thanks for the help, Elio. Lillie told me that you're going to the Altar of the Moone? Well, I got there because Luna teleported me there as a Cosmog, then she evolved into Cosmoen. Then, the Guardiat Deities came from nowhere and did this... ritual, which turned Luna into Lunala." Selene babbled."Could you take us there?" I asked. If we will have a guide, no trouble. "Sure, just bring your Sun and Moone Flutes."

To be continued... ...

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