My Baby~

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Jack's POV

Ahhhh, life is the first thing that comes to mind when I wake up.

Just dreaming of my sweet baby boy is making me smile, oh my lord. "Life is wonderful!" I say while sighing.

I get up and get ready for school, as usual. I hum all during breakfast. My family is used to this, or at least got used to it once I didn't stop.

Back before it all happened, I was the most depressing person on earth. Like, I could actually get someone else depressed just by being near them. It was sad. But now I have no reason to be depressed, I have my baby boy to watch over! I smile at the thought.

My family was stunned and thought I went beyond crazy, but they slowly got used to the fact I was indeed, happy. Have been for the last two years, yep! And it's all thanks to my baby!

Unfortunately, he doesn't know anything that I do, but hopefully, he will be able to be taken care of soon. I really just want to hold him already. Ugh.

I get into my car and start driving to school. I hum to the music that comes on. "This is a shout-out to my EX!" I scream out. "Heard he been liking some other CHICK!" I nod and drive. "Yeah, yeah that hurt me I admit...Forget that boi I'm over iiit." I break at the red light. "I heard you been getting better seeeeexx," I try to use a higher pitch but fail.

I get to school and the song ends right at the same time. I love that song. I smile at the others and go into the school. Everyone was stunned as well that the depressed boy was skipping and hopping and smiling suddenly, but they slowly got used to it as well. I even made some friends, even though all I want to do is watch my baby.

I go straight to the cafeteria and grab the breakfast. My baby sacrifices too much and can't seem to take care of himself, so I do it. I go straight to the classroom he's in....or slept in...

"Ba—Mr. Wood, did you sleep here again? Seriously?" I tsk. I put the food in a clean spot and clean up his classroom. I do this every morning. "...Huh? Oh, sorry. I must have dozed off...again," he says, drowsily waking up now. "Again," I say gently, echoing his word. "It's okay, but I do worry Mr. Wood." "It's fine, don't worry. I'm a capable adult, I can get around fine on my own," he yawns out. I simply shake my head at that. No no, he can't. My poor baby.

"You really aren't, baby," I mumble quietly, knowing he didn't even hear that. "Oh. Is this for me again?" He asks, reaching for the school breakfast I got for him. "Yes, it is, love. But wait for me, please?" I say, knowing enough times he will. He gets his usual pout but complies. Aww, grumpy babyyyyyy! I squeal in my head.

I clean up a bit more, and he changes and gets ready for the day.

After he looks through his work, he gets into position and I sit next to him. I give him some food and myself, or so I claim. I never eat it, I just make him think so. "Here we go, ba—Mr. Wood. Here it comes at last~" I say, trying to cover up the slip. Yes, I feed him. He allows it since he's lazy and tired. Half the time he even forgets I'm his student...but not my homework. Mehhhh, but whatever.

He chews once he gets the food. "Mmmm..." He makes happy noises, so I assume he actually likes it. But that's sad since school food isn't great. I should start making him breakfast, just so my baby will stay healthy~

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