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Jack's POV

"So, what did change you to be so pessimistic about life?" I ask, deciding it's best to get right to the point. Mr. Wood looks like I just threw daggers into him. Again. Poor baby.

He looks from side to side and seems to be deciding on answering, or not. He is so suspicious. "Ehm...stuff happened. Like in everyone's life, we all get into a bad funk and all, right? Yeah." He goes back to eating. I tsk at that. He needs to be more honest.

I pat his head. He's so adorably precious though, I almost cannot help but fall for him again and again. My precious baby boy~

"So is that a no?" I ask. "Huh?" He replies, looking up. I can't help but smile at him.

I kiss his head.  "Like, are you not going to tell me any of it? Any details? Hm?" He just looks back down. I sigh a little bit but I know he will come to me and tell me when he's ready.

He continues eating and I look at our schedule for the day. It's an off day, so I hope I can spoil my baby boy—cause that's really what the whole schedule is...if there were any schedule, to begin with—Heh.

He picks up his phone when he hears a buzz. I'm surprised that thing still works, with how cracked and dusty it is. I'll have to get him a new one but have some restrictions applied for I worry about him.

I see him smile at something and text back at whatever it is. I frown a bit. I hope that's not a bad person tricking my baby into a trap!

He catches my eye and starts blushing. He puts his phone down and finishes his food.

The more I think about him, the more I want to know. I want to know his past, his childhood, his friends, and his family. Everything. What he liked as a child, his struggles, and happy moments. Everything! Every. Last. Thing.

I inwardly sigh and eat my food. I keep having to remind myself that I gotta treat him—eh? I mean, I haven't forgotten that he is one can't blame me if I get too caught up in babying him-

I look over when I hear a clatter followed by "shit". I see that Mr. Wood accidentally spilled some food on himself. I hold in my chuckle and see what he does. He tries to clean it by using his small napkin but ends up making it worse somehow. I smirk at him. Only a certain daddy can do an effective job of cleaning such a mess on a little cutie! Ahhh the cute aggression!

He starts whining a little and I decide to jump in and risk him most likely rejecting my help. I go and grab a clean towel and wet it before bringing it over to him.

"No, I" He says and fusses a little bit but after a minute, gives up and just lets me help clean it. I smile and get to work. "Sometimes it's just better to let others help, hm?" He just pouts. This is exactly why I usually feed him myself if I'm honest.

"Mr. Wood, please do be more careful, okay?" He glares at me for speaking up about it. "Shut up, it was—" "An accident, I know. But if you're going to eat all by yourself, be more careful kiddo." He just rolls his eyes at me and looks away.

No one ever said parenting was easy, siiiiigh. But I love it, makes me so happy! Once I deem him clean, I go and throw the towel into the washer. When I come back, I realize I finished my food. Huh, I didn't even notice that I ate all of it. I grab my plate and walk to the kitchen to rinse it off in the sink.

Hmm, seems it would be a lovely day today. Hopefully, I can get my baby out for some fresh air sometime this afternoon.




I hear rustling but before I look back, Mr. Wood is next to me. I turn my head to him and raise an brow. He blushes slightly. He really blushes a lot, doesn't he? Cutieeeee!

"U-uhm. I finished so... Unless you wanna rinse it, you'll need to m-move," he says. I keep looking at him and he fidgets. He's soooooo cute!

"Nah, it's fine. I got this. You can go sit down while I finish up here," I reply back to him with a smile. He blushes more but gives me his plate. "Alright then," he says and walks away.

Yes, I still want to go ask him questions upon questions about his past. This itch won't leave either, ugh.

As if he read my thoughts, I suddenly feel his presence next to me again. I smile a little.

"Yes, love?" He coughs. "Uhhhh, maybe I could share a little w-with you..." I decide to make him tell me what he means, although I know exactly what he's referring to. "Anddd what is that?" He nudges my back a little as if indicating to me not to make him say it. He sighs when I don't give in and I chuckle at his small grunt. "...I'll tell you a little of my...past," he says shyly. I can't help but coo. HE'S SO CUTE BUT FINALLY, I'LL GET TO KNOW SOME OF HIS PAST!

I quickly finish rinsing off the dishes in the sink and we head over to the couch. I grab a blanket and rest a little on the arm of the couch, he decides to join by snuggling next to me and I put the blanket over both of us.

Aww, this is nice. He's so cuddly too! I'll provide him with as much comfort as he needs while he gets through sharing however much he feels comfortable sharing because he deserves so much love! I love him so much!

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