Brighter on The Other Side?

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Mr. Wood's POV

It's been...24 hours since I had agreed to live with my student. I am the most shameful teacher on this earth...


I'm busy slowly hitting my head on the wall to notice the door open. It's when I feel a dip on the bed that I notice the other presence, the unwanted presence. I can't even get privacy in the guest room, the one I'm staying in! I let out a sigh.

"Baby—" "Ah, what did I say?" I interrupt. He sighs. "Mr. Wood, I would rather prefer you don't do that to your poor head," Jack says, rubbing my head after I stop. I suddenly feel like crying, probably from all the stress. I stay in my position, on my knees with my hands on the bed in between my legs and head down, all the while he rubs, more like pets now, my head. I may or may not have decided to just let him comfort me right now...

"Aww, you're letting me pet you?" I bite my lip, unable to say anything. "Ah, is the stress hitting you right now?" He asks. If he could see my face, he would see shock. Because how the hell did he figure that??? Mind reader?? What the hell?!

"You're shaking and avoiding eye contact. I feel you are stressed and probably ready to break down," he says, deciding to take a risk and pull me into his arms. I let him, too overwhelmed to fight. The tears start coming out as well and there we are, him holding me while I cry like a baby. COUGH.

He doesn't make fun of me but rather rocks me back and forth soothingly. I let my emotions do their thing.

It takes a few minutes but I start calming down.

I stay quiet as I feel very stupid and awkward. I can't say anything as I just poured out my feelings...



He chuckles after a minute. "Is someone shy?" He asks when I move my head away. I blush. "It's okay, everyone has breakdowns. Don't feel bad about it, Mr. Wood." He says, petting me. Hearing him call me by my last name helps me gain some confidence back.

I get off his lap and cough. "Do you mind getting me food? I gotta look for...something..." I trail off. He senses that I need to take a minute for myself and complies, telling me how he'll be in the kitchen if I need anything.

I sigh once he leaves and lay on the bed. Several thoughts go through my head and I still cannot grasp the situation.

I go over to my "pets" and stare at them. They just squeak and the cat mews as usual. Jack said how I can't let them out of their cages until they have been to the vet, which will be in a few days. I totally did not pout at that, but I understood why. Though that would mean I would also be dirty as they are, right? Is that why he basically threw me into the shower the minute we got into his house??? Thought he was just grouchy. I shrug as I get up.

I hear Jack call for my name. I decide to change into new clothes and go into the kitchen.

"Hey Mr. Wood, glad to see you up. The day is beautiful and the flowers are blooming. I think it's a bit brighter than you're used to, right?" Jack says, kissing my head on his way to the fridge to grab something, I sit down on the stool chair at the bar. I grumble at what he said. He's right, but my gloomy life was fun too...

"Hmm, what was that?" He asks me. "Nothing. I don't mind a gloomy life though," I huff out, poking my CLEAN finger into some dipping sauce that was left out. I like to mention it's clean because some people around here think I don't clean my hAnDs. Yes, I'm speaking of Jack... Anyways!

I taste it...and recoil when it gives off a spicy after-effect. I put my head down on the bar and moan in agony! HE COULD HAVE WARNED ME!!

He chuckles at my dilemma. "Baby, maybe next time you should ask me what that is before you taste it? At least lesson learned though." He continues cooking after petting my head. I just moan in pain.

He's so meeeaaaannn! Hmph.

"You know, I think it's better you get a more positive outlook on life, and a healthy lifestyle Mr. Wood. Because you're a bad example to students who need more positive authoritative figures in their life, especially from someone like yourself. I highly doubt the school would have hired you if you were so depressed and painfully irresponsible. How are you on top of things with your students but not your personal life?"

I'm just sitting at the bar with my head down in pain, and now shame, while he continues throwing imaginary arrows into me. You know like in those cartoons?? Yeah, totally like that. I groan.

"Can ya stop throwing daggers into me? For your information, I was not like this before. A lot of things have changed since I started teaching at your school..." I say, glaring at him. I regret answering when I see his face of triumph. I feel he was just trying to get me to reveal something...

He finishes cooking and gets things on plates and such before he puts them on the bar. I get excited and try to grab for mine, but he holds it away from me. I pout at him. He shakes his head. "Ah ah, what are the magic words, hmm?" I blush as he makes me wait. "Please. Can I PLEASE have my plate of fOOd so I dOn'T sTaRve??!" I dramatically ask, putting my hand on my head in despair. He shakes his head at my dramatic display but puts it in front of me nonetheless.

I smile in victory at him.

He sits next to me and we both eat our breakfast. We have some small talk that doesn't include either of us or isn't very relevant but I find I like that.

I am so not looking forward to the rest of the day with him...

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