Such an idiot

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Mr. Wood's POV

I'm such an idiot! Why did I get scared so easily? By a stupid storm! And worse yet, in my blind fear, I ran to one of my students houses. I'M A TOTAL LOSER.

I woke up an hour ago, but he's still sleeping...on me. I don't want to wake him up. But this sucks. I want to slip out and hope he forgets all about it.




"Ugh," I groan out quietly. I need to pee and the birds aren't helping me sleep.

I wiggle around a bit, hoping his arms will get lose or something. Please let him be a deep sleeper or whatever. I wiggle around a bit more.

I'm not thinking until I hear his voice. "Baby, why are you so wiggly in the morning, huh? Do you need to pee-pee?" He asks in a babyish tone of voice. I freeze... What the fuck?

He moves around so I'm in between his legs while he sits up. I just stare at him, blushing.

"Does baby need to go?" He asks again.

"Yes. I need to use the BaTHroOm. Notably the tOileT," I say, trying to find reason here.

"Okay baby, come on. Up we get then!" He says cheerily. He picks me up when he stands up and he carries me to the bathroom. What the fuck is this?

"Hey, I can walk..." I protest. It doesn't help that he's taller than me...

One we get inside the bathroom, he puts me down on the ground in front of the toilet. "I'm helping you, baby. Don't worry about it. Now this is your first time, so I'll let you do it on your own, but next time daddy wants to help, okay?" He says, making sure everything is safe before he nods and leaves the room.

What. The. Fuck?

I try not to be disturb by the turn of events and pee.



Goddamn it! My bladder is being mean! I held it in too much last night and it's taking forever. I hate feeling this! I groan loudly. This happens a lot but it sucks!

Knock knock

"Is everything okay in there, baby? Do you need daddy's help?" Jack asks. "Hell no," I whisper. "I don't know who you are referring to, but I'm fine, thank you," I reply. "Well, okay, but I'm out here if you need help," he says. I roll my eyes. This dude. I haven't even addressed his overuse of the word "baby" he's been using on me.

After some silence, I'm finally able to let go and pee. God. I hate feeling like that, not being able to release. It sucks. Luckily I have no infections, it's just me holding in too much overnight. Ugh.

After I'm done, I wash my hands and sigh. I have to go out there. Why am I afraid of my own student??? Oh yeah, he acts like I'm the child. Damn it.

Might as well get out before he knocks again or worse, busts down the door. I take a breath and open the door....

He isn't standing there. Phew. I decide to go back to the living room, when a door catches my attention. "'Do not enter'"? I read. I wonder what's in there...

Slaves? Torture room? Sex dungeon?? I start sweating. I need to get out of here!

I'm about to turn around when I come face to face with him. Fuck! "Shit! Don't do that, boy!" I say. He shakes his head. "Were you about to do something naughty?" He asks in a disapproving manner. I gulp. "No. I was just walking towards the living room when I noticed the door. But I highly doubt it would be unlocked with the sign on it, so I couldn't have even if I wanted to," I say, moving toward the living room. I need to get away from him.

I can tell he is following me. Oh well. I need to get going anyway.

"Look, Jack, it's been nice and all but I need to get going, okay? I'm sorry for bothering you last night. I don't know what came over me. I won't do it again," I say while grabbing my coat.

"No, no, it's fine. Come whenever you need to, my door is always open to you, love. Have a safe trip back," he replies. I shiver.

I open the front go and leave. I ain't never going back... But I have a feeling he's smiling... Creep.

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