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Jack's POV

After breakfast, I help him get his things in order. "This one goes to Oscar, love." I accidentally slip up, but he doesn't notice. "Oh, so that's where it went? He should be happy to know what grade he got for this assignment then," he chuckles. I laugh along, cause it wasn't a good grade and it would have been better left hidden. Too bad for him!

I hum when the radio goes off to a song I like. Mr. Wood stares at me for a moment, I don't let him know I know though. I can tell he is mesmerized by my humming. Awwww, I would love to sing him lullabies all the time! I just wanna squeal at his cuteness!

"So, uh, how has the family been treating you?" He asks, blushing a tiny bit. I bite my lip and shrug. "They have been good. We don't talk a lot but they don't hate me, and vice versa," I say with boredom. I'm still a student, I can be bored. "Really? Whenever you are around, I can't seem to get enough of it—orrrr I mean to say I can't see how they can treat you like that. It's hard for me to even grasp that," he says awkwardly. I raise an eyebrow at that. "You know you can just say you like my company, yes? Come on, you can say ittttttt~" I coax him as if he is learning his first word, which I somewhat am imagining.

He blushes. "Okay, yes I do like your company, d—Jack," he stumbles over his words.

....OH. MY. GOD.


I stare at him, hard. He blushes really red. "What?" I say, confused.

"I like your com—" "No, what WERE you about to say before you corrected yourself about my name??" He blushes more. "NOTHING. I was just stuttering a bit," he mumbles. "Tell me what you were about to say," I try to coax out of him more. "I was just thinking of other things, okay?" "Tell me then, hun."

"It's nothing, Jack. Please let it go. School is about to start, so I advise that you get into your seat," he says, sternly. I can only smirk at his attempt. But I comply for his sake. "Okay, cutie," I mutter under my breath.

The bell rings and the students pile in. I watch my baby the entire time, like usual. I wonder if he has accidents but hides them? Sometimes I wonder since I see him rushing around for the bathroom a couple of times...

Speaking of which, he looks uncomfortable now...

"Okay guys, you know what to work on, as I just explained it to you. So get working on it." That's all he says before he leaves the room. Figures. Teachers do that all the time. But I know it's because he needed the potty~

I have a shit-eating grin on my face when he comes back. He immediately gets a blush on his face and looks away. Aww, he's soooo cuuuute!

Just to add to his humiliation, I decide to speak out. "Teacher, where were you? I needed your help on something," I say with disappointment. He looks ashamed for a second but comes over and says. "Sorry about that, what do you need help on?" He's trying to avoid it. I turn my head up to him as I'm leaning back in my chair. "Where were you though? I thought I was gonna have to call out to the other teachers and send a search party," I say with false worry. He narrows his eyes at me. Oh buster, you do not do that with me. "I'm sorry. I had to use the restroom, now what is it?" He asks with impatience. "What was that, Mr. Wood? Where were you? I didn't heeear youu~," I say with a grin. He sighs. "I went to the restroom." I stand up immediately with false realization. "OH. You went potty! I seeee. What a good little boy~!" I pat him on the head. I sit back down. He looks absolutely mortified. The other students laugh. "But next time, will you please tell us? I was so worried, plus you aren't supposed to leave without telling us where you're going, right Teacher?" I just gave him his own rules. His face is priceless!

He walks back to his desk and calls someone. I'm curious to know what he is doing...

Suddenly a substitute comes into the room...?

"Thank you for coming. I have been called..." he starts whispering into the substitute's ear so I'm not able to hear what he says. The heck is going on?

"Oh, it's not a problem! I'm sure I'll get these students to do what they need, so no worries here, Mr. Wood. Please take care of yourself, okay?" The sub says. Mr. Wood nods.

I watch him grab his stuff and pack up. He's leaving? I sit up straighter, alarmed.

"Mr. Wood, I—" "Sorry guys, I have to go do something for a couple of days. But I'll see you next week. Please do what you are told and behave," Mr. Wood says, waving. He leaves the room before I can say another word.

Fuck, I went too far... My eye twitches when I hear another student laugh and mock him.

I jab a student next to me who is speaking ill of my baby boy. I know I went too far but no one else is allowed to talk about him in any way.

"Okay, settle down students. I don't know what is so funny or whatever, but you have your assignment, so please be quiet and work on it," the substitute says.

Everyone quiets down and starts working on their assignment. I already got done with it, so I'm just stuck with fantasizing about my baby once more...

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