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Dib is enough for you

The world has fallen into chaos. Humanity is at the verge of destruction and there is only one responsible for it: Zim. The irken invader. Many tremble and run when hearing him and his robot slave approach, setting the tempo of the song of Earth's doom with each step taken.

This time the alien has taken a young girl as his hostage.

"HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE, HELP ME!" You cried out in alarm, struggling uselessly while in the claws of Zim's giant robot warrior tank.

The echoing laughter of the alien hurt the ears of those who heard it. "HAHAHA! It's useless human, you will be the first to be subject to my horrifying experiments on mankind! You will ALL BE SLAVES TO ZIM!" He gibed.

"NO! YOU'LL NEVER TRIUMPH ZIM!" You argued as your eyes brimmed with tears.

"Oh yeah?! And who's going to stop me?!"

"Dib!" You declared, your voice soft. "He is the saviour of the Earth and I KNOW he'll defeat you, you evil, horrible, cruel, STUPID alien!"

The irken stayed quiet for a moment before laughing, a wicked, high-pitched chuckle. "Hah! YOUR SAVIOUR IS CONFINED TO THE DEEPEST CONFINES OF THE UNIVERSE! I made sure he never is able to come-"


The alien's speech was interrupted by the sound of one of his robot minions exploding. There, amidst the smoke and debris, stood a figure. A figure of strength, a figure of determination, a figure of hope.


The boy adjusted his glasses before making another robot explode using his plasma cannon.

"BUT HOW?!" Zim yelled.

"Your prison was no match against my powerful hacking system Zim!" He responded. "Now, release Y/n and leave this planet before I have to destroy you!"

"Nonsense! There's no way you can beat my irken war tan-WHAT?!" The alien turned around, seeing Dib already on top of his destroyed tank while he set you free.

You smiled in gratefulness, even as you still had tears running down your face.

"What the- BUT- You were just there! THIS DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!" The alien pointed out.

"It does make sense Zim-" Dib answered. "When you have justice on your side, anything is possible." He claimed.

The irken, blinked, a puzzled expression on his face. "That- That doesn't explain- YOU KNOW WHAT, WHATEVER! I'll just destroy you already!"

Zim released minimoose, which growled in response to being awakened.

Dib carried you in his arms and jumped out of harm's way before minimoose's deathly ray could reach you.

You just stared at him in admiration while he called her sister for support. "Gaz! Are you there?!"

The girl's voice soon made itself present, her image projected on a floating screen. "Yes, Dib! I knew you'd make it!" She answered in an unnaturally cheery voice.

"That's right! Gaz, I need you to send me the data on minimoose. I have a plan to destroy it!"

Both you and Gaz gasped dramatically in surprise.

"But Dib! Is too dangerous!" You cried out. "What will we do if we lose you?!"

"You are TOO important!" Gaz added, still not sounding like herself.

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