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Once you all go to silent reading in the classroom, Jimin leans over and tenderly feels your hand, his face contorted with confusion.

"Did...you didn't touch my hand did you?.."

"No. The new girl behind you did when she walked by."

That feeling in my chest.

It's back.

"Good...I knew it wasn't you...your hands are so soft."


I wish we weren't whispering at that moment.

That's right blonde bimbo.

My skin is perfection, take that.

"Hello, my name is Nari, what's your name?"

You silently snicker to yourself when Jimin continues to sit beside you and glide his fingers over his book, her thick pasty lips pushing into a thin hard line.

What an idiot.


"Look new girl, he can't respond to you if you just talk at him, he can't see you, he's blind."


Take that.

She almost falls out of her chair when you spin around and bite your response towards her, Jimin tenderly leaning your way.

"Y/N? Is someone talking to me?"

"The new girl Nari is, she was introducing herself."

"Oh...I apologize Nari, I am blind and cannot tell when someone is talking to me unless they say my name. As Y/N told you, my name is Jimin."

"Wow...my cousin is blind Jimin! I know how it is, he has one of the service dogs that leads him everywhere."

"Ah...I could never get used to a service animal. I used the leading cane."

"Really? Where is it?"


These two sure are chummy.

"It was broke. Y/N is being my guide until I can get a new one."

"Really? Does it really take-"

"Y/N, I can't find my page I was reading, can you help me?"

"Yeah...you're right here."

You tenderly grab Jimin's hand and place it where he was reading as you notice Nari still staring at him, her gaze like a predator setting her sights on her prey.



"Would you like to sit with me at lunch? I'm new here...and all alone-"

"I'm sorry new girl, but I always sit with Y/N since she is my guide."

"She can sit with me too! I love making new friends! I didn't have many at my high school, I was a bit of an ugly duckling."

Jimin moves his hand over and tenderly feels yours again as he turns in your direction, his voice warm and tender.

"Y/N? What do you think?"


What do I say?

"Um...I guess so..."

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