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Hello Everyone, Haru here!

Once again, I apologize you all have to click on this and it isn't an update, but I feel this chapter is needed!

Okay so I know a few of you are confused about some parts of the story, especially about Jimin's blindness.

First off yes, Jimin is 100% blind, he cannot see anything at all.

Also, I know my writing style is kind of odd, especially since I say things like Y/N grins, obviously Jimin cannot see her grin which is why it's written in her perspective :) She still has facial expressions even though Jimin obviously cannot hear her.

Now, I know a lot of things have not been answered yet, and I'm sure you all have burning questions about the story but I want to give you guys an opportunity to ask me questions! Now, some of them I won't be able to answer because of the plot of the story, but I want to do my best to make sure you all are having the best reading experience!

As always, thank you for the success of this story, and I hope I can continue to make you all happy and deliver the best story possible 💜

Forever and Always


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