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"If you aren't ready to talk about it Y/N-"

"No..it's fine...you might as well know the whole story...of how I came here to Seoul..."

You carefully place Jungkook's head on a couch pillow as you scoot closer to Jimin and look at him, the only sound in the room your heart beating rapidly in your ears.

I'm so nervous...

I have to do this.

Jimin believes me.

I can't let this moment slip away...

"Well...I was born in Daegu, I lived in the same town literally my entire life. My dad started out just writing music in our house...his parents never wanted to support him writing music. They always got rid of his music...until he met my mom when they were in high school..she always loved listening to the songs that he wrote.."

"That's so sweet.."

"It is...I loved laying on my mom and dad's bed listening to their love story...I always envied their love...it's like they were soul mates..."

You can already feel your pulse quickening as you look down at your hands, a deep breath doing little to calm you down.

"I um...I actually had a pretty normal life...I never really had many friends but that didn't matter you know? I always just tried to power through the days so I could get home."

"I understand that.."

"Well...after a while my dad got pretty famous...he started writing and producing songs for giant superstars like it got crazy...I had people pulling up in limos to our tiny house just to meet my dad. Kim Seokjin came to my house to see him."

"Woah...he's huge."

"Right? I was starstruck. Anyways...with all of that popularity...people I guess starting getting jealous of me when I got into high school..."

Oh god...

My heart...

Can I do this?

"Um...well most of it went unmoticed to me since I just didn't care...anything people said about my dad was behind my back. People never said it to my face so..I didn't mind it."

You look over at Jimin and feel guilty that you're relieved about his lack of sight, a small tear already rolling down your cheek as your voice begins to lightky shake.

"Well...one day...this random girl that I went to school with forever walked up to me...all of a sudden I had all of these new friends...I was a bit weary about it for a while but they stayed close to me...so I gave in and we all started hanging out."

Jimin must have heard your heavy breathing from crying because he reaches over and tenderly feels for your hand, his fingers grasping around your hand comfortingly.

"So...we hung out for a while...and there...there was this boy...his name was Min Lee...he was the most popular boy in school, athletic star and all. He came up to us one day and began sitting with me...I felt so like...I don't know...I had a crush on him. Hell everybody had a crush on him..."

Oh God...

Do I run away now?

I'm already crying..

"A-After a while of hanging out...they asked me to come to a party one night. It was a big expensive Christmas party on Christmas Eve. My dad was working at his studio and my mom at the time was just having symptoms we didn't know she was sick yet...so I went ahead and went to the party with all of them."

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