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"Alright...your hands are all wrapped up..."

"Thank you."

"We'll let you know when you can go see him."


Your voice is a strangled croak as the dainty nurse stands up and walks down the hallway of the waiting room, Hobi's hand running up and down your back tenderly.

"Do you um...wanna call Jimin?..."

"Yeah...will you go pick him up?...I don't want to leave just in case.."

"Yeah of course. Here you can keep my phone, I'll go pick him up."


Rubbing your sore eyes with your bandages hands you press the buttons on the phone and hear the small ring coming from the device, a stray tear dripping from the raw corner of your eye.

"Y/N? What's going on? I haven't heard from you in an hour!"


The second you hear his voice your own cracks again and tears begin rolling down your cheeks again, the bandages helping to soak them up.

"Hey...Baby what's going on?..."

"J-Jimin...I...It was h-horrible! I...I was right..."

"Wait is Jungkook okay?! Where are you?!"

"The doctors are checking h-him out now...Hobi is c-coming to pick you up....we're at the h-hospital..."

"He's here. I'll see you soon."

You sit on the dead line for a while and listen to the light beeping sound before letting the phone slide to your lap as you keep staring down at the tiled floors, the edge of your boot coming up from running so hard on the stairs.

I need to get some new shoes.

"Miss Y/N?"


You stand up immediately and face the police officer that comes out into the waiting room, his eyes glasses over with an odd emotion.

"The teacher is still in the ICU but the doctors say he'll pull through."

Well...at least I won't be charged with murder.

"Now, you said the man was attacking you, right?"


You look up at the mischievous glint set in the police officers eyes as he keeps his notebook open, your head nodding up and down softly.


"Alright then. We've actually been monitoring this school for a while on mysterious injuries coming from different students. This happening will help us to shut down the school as a whole."

"Oh...wait...the same teacher?.."

"I wish I could say yes to that."

Oh my god..

Multiple teachers...

"Is um...I Jungkook gonna be okay?.."

"Oh yeah, he has a concussion and has to have some stitches in his forehead, but honestly it seems his wounds are more emotional than physical."

"Ah..I see.."

"The whole time I was talking to him, he kept asking me if you were alright, it seems he takes a liking to you."

"Y-Yeah...he's kind of like my little brother..."

"Alright...well I wish you two the best."

"If you need anything officer feel free to call.."

Through My Eyes |PJM Fanfiction|Where stories live. Discover now