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"Jimin....are you sure you don't want me to stay and help? I can-"

"Y/N I promise you I am fine. This computer reads everything out loud to me so I can make sure I'm doing everything right. Please just go have fun."

"Fine...as long as you'll be okay.."

"I want one thing though before you leave."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"A kiss."

Your cheeks heat up to a soft pink hue as you lean down and place a kiss on Jimin's lips, both your hands resting on his cheeks.



"Alright well...I'm going to go wake Jungkook up so we can go...I'll see you when we get back."

"Alright, have fun."

You quietly pad down the hallway to Jungkook's room and sit on his bed as he sleeps peacefully wrapped up in his blankets, his chest rising and falling with soft breaths.

He looks so peaceful...

I feel bad waking him up..

"Hey...Jungkook, Jungkook."

You watch him take a deep breath and shift under the covers, his sleepy doe eyes fluttering open and gazing up at you.


"Hey...I was wondering if maybe you wanted to spend the day with me and go into town?"

"What...wait...what about school?..."

"Jimin already said you can miss. You were up so late last night I let you sleep in."


With a soft giggle you crawl under the covers with Jungkook and push your fingers through his hair, his head burrowing into your neck as he gives you a sleepy whine.

"I'm still tired Noona...but I wanna go to town with you...I'll get up...mmm.."

After laying with him for a bit Jungkook finally comes out from under the blankets and rubs his eyes, his hair extremely messy and tousled.

"Is it cold outside?..."

"Mhm, it is December so it's very cold."


You smile wide and exit Jungkook's room so he can get ready as you silently watch Jimin type away on his computer, his shoulders nice and straight with newfound confidence.

I'm so happy he's doing well...

Jimin and Jungkook seem a bit happier now...when we first met they both just seemed...lost...

"I'm ready Noona!"

You turn and smile wide at the now bright boy in front of you, his eyes glittering with excitement.

"Where are we going?"

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Really? I get to pick?"


"Okay...I wanna...go...to the big mall! The huge one!"

Thats an hour away from here..

"Okay, we're going to take the bus though because it's far from here."

"Oh...if its too far Noona-"

"It isn't. Let's go."

"Hyung! I'm going to the big mall! Do you wanna go too?!"

"No Jungkookie, I'm filling out some paperwork so I'm busy. You two go have a good time."

Through My Eyes |PJM Fanfiction|Where stories live. Discover now