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"You know you don't have to cover my eyes..."



Embarrassment befalls your bubbly mood as you slowly remove your hands from over your boyfriend's eyes as he chuckles softly, his thumb tenderly running over your hand.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll know when we get there!"

"Noona I won't fall right?!"

"No, I'm leading you!"

You look over at Jungkook and smile at his obvious confusion having a blindfold pulled over his eyes, both of his arms anxiously gripped around yours.

"Hyung I'm so sorry I ever judged you for not knowing where you were going! This is terrible!"

"It's okay Jungkook."

"We're almost there guys! A little bit longer!"

I'm so nervous...

Will they enjoy it?...

I hope I didn't overdo it too much...

When you all make it over the big hill you smile wide and stop, both the boys coming to an abrupt halt.

"Alright Jungkook, take off your blindfold."

Poor Jimin...I wish he could see all of this..

You watch anxiously as Jungkook quickly reaches up and pulls the blindfold off of his eyes, his expression changing from confusion to utter amazement and shock.

"Noona! Is this your house?!"

"Yeah...it's my Appa's house actually...I figured if we were doing Christmas...why not go all the way..."

You see light tears well in Jungkook's eyes as he simply stares at your house, his voice now a small whisper.


"Come on! Let's go inside before dinner gets cold!"


"Mhm. I made a nice Christmas dinner for both of you as well!"

"Y/N...this is so much..."

"Don't worry about it Jimin. I want you guys to have a great Christmas."

Jimin smiles softly and walks closer to you as you all make your way down the hill and up onto the old log cabin style porch, the smell of fresh boiling cinnamon already emitting through the door.

I wanted to make it smell like Christmas so Jimin can experience it too...

"Oh my god Noona it's so pretty!"

The second you open the front door Jungkook takes off and stares up at the giant tree set up in the middle of the room, his eyes sparkling with childlike delight.

"It's like the one at the mall! It's huge!"

"It smells delicious in here."

You look over at Jimin and smile when he leans his head down and places a soft kiss on the top of your head, his hands tenderly lingering on your lower back.

"Thank you...for all of this..."

"It's my pleasure."

"Woah! Hyung this gift is for you!"

Through My Eyes |PJM Fanfiction|Where stories live. Discover now