The Beginning

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School is always a pain in the ass especially after a 3 month break of doing nothing and sleeping in until noon everyday, but today feels different compared to other first days of school. I actually feel happy for once and I can't tell if its the Starbucks in my hand or the fact that I get to see my friends for the first time since school got out back in June.

"Luke" my mom calls from the car, "When do you want me to pick you up?" Red as a tomato, I turn around and say "I'll call you" I don't know why I'm embarrassed cause many parents do that... I think... She says okay and drives away in our little white car that looks new when it really isn't.

I slowly walk to the door of my school giving hugs to some for my so called "friends" and saying "Hi" to others I actually like. I touch the door handle to my school and all the memory's attack me like a pack of wolves killing a deer. I slowly open the door and then it happens. My body feels week and I have no one to help me. Well that's what I think, when in reality I have people all around me, but they wouldn't understand. I enter the school and put on one of those bitch faces while I look for the paper with my homeroom number on it. Pushing all of the memories back into the box in the back of my mind

"Room 110" I say quietly which apparently isn't because other people look at me and give me the look you give a crazy person.

I roll my eyes and push my way out of the crowd and begin to wander the school looking for my group of friends which doesn't take long.

"LUUUKKKKEEE" Terra screams from across the 200 hall, "WAIT FOR ME!!!" I smile then run in her direction giving her a bear hug even though I'm like 3 inches shorter then her. "Can I have some" she says as I let go of her. "Yeah.. You can have it" I say only because my stomach has been acting up since I got here.

"Aren't you happy... Its our first day of Sophomore year" she says just as loud as when she called my name. "Not really" I say quietly. "But it got better when I saw you." She thought it was cute but honestly I was just being nice.

We talked for what felt like an hour about our summers and how boring they were cause that's apparently all you can talk about after coming back from summer break. After that we began to walk around looking for more friends and when we did of course we talked about summers which I was getting tired of.

The sound of the bell rings telling us it's time to move to homeroom where we sit in room for an hour, and they call us up one by one to get our school schedule. I hate homeroom, I find if the dumbest thing ever. I think it's easier just to send to us in the mail, but apparently this is better.

"Luke Kurro" our advisor calls, and I find my way up to him and sign my life away. I'm the last one in that room to sign due to the way they separated us by last name. I return to my chair and look at my schedule. Honestly I only really cared for two classes which were AP World History and Dance 1.

"Luke" someone whispers in my direction from the back of the room. I turn around and see one of my senior friends gesturing to me to move next to her. I give her a gesture back representing give me a second which some how works cause she stops doing her waves and fanning thing. I slowly stand up and quickly make my way to the desk right next to her, giving her the smile I give everyone else.

"Hey Tia" I say quietly, "Let me see your schedule." We exchange schedules and giggle like girls cause he have Orchestra and Dance together. She smiles and plays with my "long" curly/wavy mess on top of my head which everyone likes for some odd reason.

Homeroom ends and me and Tia walk to orchestra together talking about how much fun we will have in dance and stuff like that. I open the door, letting her in before following her in. It looks same as last year with the cellos and basses against the walls next to the doors we walked in from and the violins and violas sitting on rack on the opposite wall.

Class starts and they have us sign in so they can get a count of people in each class which is another thing I find stupid. Our teacher talks for the whole time about stupid rules which no one really pays attention to cause all we care about is catching up with our friends and stuff like that. Class finally ends and I make way to my English Pre-AP class which I'm pretty excited for some strange reason I can't really explain.

As I approach the door, I'm suddenly hit again with memories and worries of what ifs and things of that sort. This time its harder to push back, but some how I get rid of it and find a seat in the back next to a few friends and strike up a conversation with them about school.

Then everything crumbles... I hear his voice and I know. Daniel walks into the room wearing a pair of khaki skinny jeans and a gray dress shirt which is tucked into his jeans. He finished his look off with a skinny black tie and new haircut.

My mind becomes a mess and within a minute everything is released. The memories I tried to suppress now free and the one thing I wanted to forget the most is now knocking on my heart's door. The memory of being in love with a guy... A guy named Daniel Lord

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