Paper Heart

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The next couple of weeks were the same. I would wake up, go to school, see Daniel, then cry when I got home. I don't understand why I cry over him... (Still). Terra and Kat say I should get over him and move one, but its hard for me and they just don't understand. Now don't get me wrong... We didn't stop talking we still talk. We actually talk more which may be weird but I like it like this. He tells me many things and I've become his go to for homework. Although, I never do it I still like telling him whats due and stuff like that. Aron tells me how stupid that is and how I should just tell Daniel how I feel... Again... I honestly think that he does that cause it somehow worked for him and now he's literally dating some guy who no one cares about. Like what the fuck just because it worked for you doesn't mean it will work for me.

The month is now November and its been wonderful. I have my first dance show of the year and that's all I've been caring about. I've invited all my friends and I'm ready for the best dance show ever. Then it hits me... Why don't I invite him... Will he reject it... Maybe but I can lie and say you can watch our friend Carly as well. I think about this during my orchestra class before English. I'm going to do it... I can do it..  I AM STRONG...

Attempt 1= Can you... fail

Attempt 2= Would you... fail

Attempt 3= Do you... fail

The bell rings marking the end of 2nd period. I'm a fucking failure I think to myself as I leave the class forgetting about my dance bag which I left under my desk.

"LUKE" someone calls from behind me as I exit the door. I honestly could care less cause I just failed 3 times and I just want to go. "LUKE" I hear again, this time I turn around find Daniel standing right in front of me looking like himself.

"I was calling you dumbass" he says with a smile on his face. "Sorry... I thought it was someone else" I say blushing a little or a lot I couldn't really tell. "You forgot this in there" he says as he laughs. "Your so clueless sometimes."

"I guess I am" I return a smile which makes me happy. He also smiles and moves closer to me handing me my bag. He's so cute is the only thing running through my mind until he says see ya later. This is it I think to myself you can do it. Attempt 4 can be the one... You can do it.

"Daniel.. Hold on" I spurt out of my mouth stopping him. He turns around with a puzzled look on his face. "Yeah" he responds with a curious tone.

"Ummm... Would you like to go to the dance show this week. Its really go.." He cuts me off with a single word..

"Sure" he says before running down the hall avoiding  being tardy. "But.." Its to late he's already gone. Well he did tell me he was fast.

As I walk to my 3rd period the tardy bell rings and I honestly don't care. All I can think of is why he said yes so quickly. Its not Heaven, she's not in dance.. So why... Is it me... Those thoughts float through my head all day until Chemistry.

Chemistry is the same everyday. We walk in talk the whole time and he yells at us. Its really annoying but I'm okay with it. To be honest I've been looking forward to this class the most today because I can finally ask him why he's going because its been bothering me all day.

As I walk in... The atmosphere feels different and it confused me. I look a round the room scanning faces, then I see him. His eyes are red and he's hugging Victoria really tightly. My heart sinks and I automatically feel like crying. I ask around the room trying to get evidence to further understand why Daniel is crying and after a few questions its plain as day.

Heaven rejected Daniel

That night was the first time Daniel ever called me for help on something other than homework.

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