Chapter 3

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Peter stopped in the middle of the vents when he heard somebody's voice. He carefully looked down through a valve. Tony Stark and Clint Barton were arguing about something. "I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T STEAL THE COOKIES!!!!" Clint exclaimed. "I can't even... Okay, you know what! I'm a billionaire! I can buy as much cookies as I want! But don't expect me to give you any!" Tony said as he walked out of the room. When Clint was alone in the room he smirked and took out a package of cookies from his jacket. Peter caught himself grinning and quickly put on his stone face again. He continued his way through the tower.

But after a few minutes of sneaking he stopped. He was over Tony Starks lab. He looked down and saw Stark himself doing something with a michene. Then suddenly there was a load boom and the thing Tony was holding exploded. The sound made the boy fall backwards making a sound. He saw how Stark looked up. The billionaires eyes widen as he saw the masked boy.

Peter heard a loud high pitched noise that made his head go nuts. Because of his extreme hearing abilities it felt like his ears were bleeding. All smells and sounds got clearer and even his clothes felt like a thousand needles pushing into his skin. He knew exactly what was happening. A sensory overload. It had happened a few times before. But not this bad. He heard how the target, Tony Stark, shouted something. Peter knew he messed up. Timo was going to kill him if he found out. Normally the kid would fight the target but now he couldn't. His senses was driving him crazy. So he started to run. He ran like never before.

He was close to a window. Only if he could reach it before somebody caught him. Just as he was about to jump he stubben his toe on something. He fell through the vents and landed on the floor beneath him. He looked around. The avengers were surrounding him. He quickly got up on his feet and got in fighting position. He threw himself at the main target,Ironman, and with a few effortless punches and kicks he was holding the one and only Tony Stark in a tight grip pushing him against the ground. The masked boy had one of his knives against the billionaires throat. The other avengers stood in shock.

Natasha looked at the black dressed invader. She had to admit she was impressed. The person had attacked and successfully taken down Tony Stark without anyone having a chance on reacting. "Who are you?" Clint said from Nat's left.

Peter knew what the Hawkeye was trying to do. He wanted the boy to get distracted. But Peter had gone through years of torture and training and he was not going to give away any information, so he stayed quiet. Even though his senses still were driving him insane.

Steve looked at the others. He gave them a small barely noticeable signal and in a second they all flew at the masked person holding Tony. Steve felt how he was thrown into a wall. He closed his eyes for a second and when he opened them he was stunned. The masked person had taken down everyone besides Natasha. She was fighting the person bravely, but she was getting tired. She was using all her power but still the masked man was winning the fight. Natasha was thrown backwards and into Steve.

As soon as Peter took down the Black Widow he bolted. He ran as fast as he could. He knew that the avengers were after him. He messed up.

Steve, Natasha and Sam were running after the masked person. "WHO IS THIS GUY!" Sam exclaimed. "I know, it's like he knows what we're going to do before we do it!" Natasha was getting mad. A person broke into her home and hurt the people she cared about. And worst of all. She couldn't beat him, he was stronger than her. Better. And that was killing her.

Just as Peter was going to jump out of a window in the avengers tower he fell to the ground again. This time something hit his neck. He tried to stand up but failed. He couldn't move his legs. Soon his entire body got paralysed. He could see Tony Stark and Clint Barton standing besides him. Then everything got black.

Tony looked down at the unconscious masked person besides him. Then he looked up at Clint. "Do you always have Bruce's sleeping syringe on you?" He asked. "Yeah. You never know when Bruce decides to get all green." Clint looked up as the door to the room opened. In came all the avengers. They all froze when they saw the body on the ground. "Is he dead...?" Sam said. "No birdbrain, he's just unconscious." Rhodey said. Everyone looked at the war machine. "That... sounds like something I could say..." Tony said and watched Rhodes up and down. "You okay Rhodey?" Bruce held back a faint smile. "Shut up and concentrate..." Natasha muttered. "She's right. Okay, we have to make an important decision. Chicken soup or tacos for lunch..." Clint looked at Natasha with seriousness in his eyes. "Moron. We have a unconscious person lying on the ground who was able to take down all of us in a matter of seconds. It's nothing to joke about." The female assassin crouched down besides the person on the ground with a new found respect from the others. "Yeah, sorry, we should take him to one of our cells." Clint mumbled. "If he's a HYDRA soldier he's probably got superpowers. Bruce's sleeping serum worked on him so I say we put him in one of the Hulks cells." Tony said biting his bottom lip. "Let's do that then." Steve agreed. The soldiers statement made everyone stop for a second. "Weird shit is happening today I tell ya'" Sam muttered under his breath. Steve lifted up the invader with ease and they all went to one of Bruce's cells. "Can't get a day of am I right?" Clint chuckled.

Thank you for reading! I never really know what to write down here so... yeah... thanks again for reading! Bye❤️

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