Part 18: I love you too

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Daniel Seavey just kissed me?!?!?!

I was speechless, I was so happy

Daniel: "look Molly, I know what you are going to say and I agree with you, its hurting me to much to love you when I never get to see you and hiding our relationship hurts. And I know this is all hurting you too. I just need to tell you that I love you and I always will, and I will wait for you always remember that"

I just looked at Daniel I gave him a look so he knows I understand, I didn't want to leave him like this

M: " I guess this is goodbye"

Daniel: "don't say that, this isn't goodbye Molly, I will see you again"

M: "I have to go" I said crying

Daniel: "uh- n-no don't go Molly!" Daniel said with tears in his eyes and regret

M: "I'm sorry" I said still crying now Daniel is also crying

M: "I love you, I always will, don't forget me"

Daniel: "you know I won't"

Daniel: "don't go"

I let go of Daniels hand walking away, I didn't turn back, I couldn't see his face so broken hearted.

Daniel's P.O.V

I watch Molly walk away, she doesn't even look back, Fuck!! She hates me, I hurt her so much, did you see the way she cried. Why does my life have to be like this?!?!?

I decided to speed carefully over to the front door so I don't trip, to try and catch Molly before she leaves.

Jonah: "woah woah Daniell slow down, leave her"

I ignore Daniel and reach the door, Molly is walking to her car

Daniel: " Molly!!!"

She doesn't say anything, she turns around and looks at me, she is still crying. She hops into her car and drives off.

All I can do now is just cry, why did I let her go. I feel a hand on my shoulder, its Jonah

Jonah: "everything is going to be ok"

Daniel: "how?! How do you know that Jonah?!?! I just let the one girl I have ever loved go and its all because of her parents stupid rules and the fact that our manager won't allow a public relationship. I hate this I hate living like my feelings don't exist!!"

I storm off to my room

Jonah: "daniel-"

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