CHAPTER 8- Investigation

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It is around nighttime as some pro heroes and Detective Tsukauchi are present in the meeting about the League of Villains and the dragon girl's situation. They are in the U.A meeting room as Detective Tsukauchi is standing up, holding some papers while the pro heroes sat down.

"From what we know so far, Miss (L/n) suddenly got here into our world, without even knowing how. That would mean that there are more possibilities that more people from her world, maybe even from other worlds, to just suddenly come here." stated Detective Tsukauchi as his voice was heard throughout the entire room.

The pro heroes were shown inside a meeting area with Detective Tsukauchi, all sitting down. Now knowing that the (h/c) girl was not lying at all, gave them into suspicions that it could possibly happen again at any time or day.

"We already asked her questions on how she got here, but all she responded was that it happened before she fell asleep while dreaming about going to our world. I also asked the 1A students if how they saw her get here, and majority of them mentioned that a portal appeared. A portal not similar to the villain."

Detective Tsukauchi then took a hold of papers containing information and stated, "Our investigators are trying to learn more about this so-called, 'League of Villains' but we can't find anything about Shigaraki so far. We searched our records for men in their twenties or thirties who are registered as having some sort of a disintegration quirk, but so far we've come out empty. Same for the warp gate villain, Kurogiri. So they are not citizens or they're using alies, hard to find either way."

Vlad looked down at his desk to process the information and asked, "So what you're really saying is that we don't know anything?" while Midnight looked over to the hero.

Snipe said, "We've got to track him down. I've shot their ringleader but once he heals up, he'll probably try to pull something like this again. What a pain..."

All Might looked at Snipe before adjusting his chair and muttered, "It did seem like the type.."

Nezu overheared and asked, "Is something on your mind, All Might?"

"The attack on the U.S.J. was...too bold. No sane adult would have ever attempted. The ringleader kept monologuing about the reasons he's there and bragged about Nomu's many quirks, but he never said a word about his own powers. When things didn't go his way, he's visibly upset like he was gonna throw a tantrum. Ugh..his bragging about Nomu's quirks was a quick way to draw me into a fight.." explained All Might while holding the temple of his forehead.

Nezu looked calm and stated, "That might be true, but strategically it was foolish to reveal his quirks up front instead of keeping them a secret."

All aMight explained, "Shigaraki made wild, immature claims but did so with a completely straight face and he talked about the nomu, like it was some kind of a pet. It seemed like he'd never been told nomu before like he thought things would go his way no matter what. His personality was like a spoiled little brat. A man child."

"A child with incredible power though..." murmured Vlad King

Midnight looked at Vlad King and stated, "It's possible he never got the quirk counseling students received in elementary school."

"Maybe so, but it doesn't really matter now."

"There were seventy two villains arrested in the aftermath of the U.S.J. Attack. They were all small-time thugs who usually lurked around the back alleys. What worries me is that this man-child got them all to follow his crazy plan. They viewed him as a real leader."

"Criminals are starting to feel more pressure now that the world is brimming with heroes. That could be why they were so quick to back such a simple-minded villain."

"Guess that makes sense."

"There are plenty of people out there looking for a cause to get behind."

Midnight asks, "So what can we do to stop them?"

"Well, it is thanks to you, heroes, that we have the time to devote ourselves to this case." stated Detective Tsukauchi.

"We'll expand our investigation and continue searching for the perpetrators who planned for this attack."

Nezu looked down at his desk and muttered, "A man-child huh...In some ways, he shares common ground with our students. They both have so much potential and like our students, I supposed it's possible someone is guiding and trying to nurture this malice and villainy."

'I don't want to think at what that could mean..' thought All Might as he looked to the side.

Midnight asked, "Should we still continue the UA Sports Festival after everything that had happened?"

"I think it would be a good way to show that the threat has been handle in our school and is safer than ever."

"We would also need to improve on our security systems, especially right after knowing that the villains have a warping quirk."

"We should keep an eye on (L/n) for a while. We still don't know how capable she is on being convinced to be a villain, but we need to make sure that she stays out of the League's hands." The heroes gave a nod as they started discussing the about her situation and precautions.

No one knew where the dragon girl came from nor how she got into their world. Even though the dragon girl is now studying at U.A High temporary, not all of them trusts her. She could've been a villain of some sort. Someone sure as hell didn't trust her at all. Just the fact that she just came out of a portal which could their way to the League of Villains base.

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