CHAPTER 10- A New Friend

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Like any other school day, you had to wake up early in the morning, because of the fact that you didn't want to be late for your first day at U.A. High School. The though of going to an anime school excites you...almost.

You took a shower and dressed up in your uniform. You noticed how short the skirts are. The skirt you had in your world was as long as a bit below your knee. You felt disgusted, some pervert is most likely going to invade your privacy. You looked over to your closet and found long black stockings.

You placed them on and felt a bit better. You wore your shoes on, then took your school bag and headed outside, not forgetting to eat first and locking the door with an extra key Aizawa left.

Your walk to the U.A High School wasn't that far since Aizawa, your guardian, works there as a teacher. You passed by citizens in their work attire, children in their school uniform and people in their exercise attire jogging around the area. You finally arrived as you walked inside without the security system activating.

You really wished that the dream you had when you were in the hospital wasn't real. You didn't know who All For One is nor anything about the world you were in. But due to your friend being an ass from time to time, they tend to spout spoilers without even noticing until you tell them to 'shut the fuck up'.

From what your manga-reader friend has told you, Todoroki has some sort of tragic backstory and origin to how he got that scar. Internships happened and the Hero Killer Incident. You were barely listening to what they were rambling about, but you heard a few bits and pieces.

Your mind went blank right after you realized that you were lost. You snapped out of your thoughts and looked around to notice that you were in the General Stuides area.

You noticed a guy with messy indigo hair walking in the hallway, who seemed to be on his way to his classroom. You hurriedly walked over to him and tapped his shoulder, causing him to turn around and look at you.

"What do you want?" He asked in a tone that makes you want to go ask someone else. You weren't exactly sure whether to trust him or not, but you didn't want to be late for your first day in U.A.

"Do you know where Class 1-A is? I'm sort of..lost" Your voice trailed off at the end.

His neutral, tired look changed into a look of hatred, but before you could realize that, it changed back to his neutral, tired look. He scowled. "Tsk...Aren't the brats from the heroics class supposed to know where their class is supposed to be?"

You were startled for a bit since you didn't expect such hatred coming out of his mouth. Now that you realized, he kind of looks like your new guardian. Before you realized it, you blurted out, "Are you Aizawa's child?"

The student choked on his spit and stuttered, "N-No..!" while a blush appeared on his face. You weren't convinced, but you let it slide for now.

You told him, "I'm a new student...because of a special case.." He looked disappointed, but you can't pinpoint why.

He grumbled. "Come on. I'll lead you the way. Tsk, be glad that homeroom doesn't start in fifteen minutes, or else I would've went to my classroom already." And walked to the opposite direction to where he was going.

The walk was quiet, yet peaceful. He didn't bat an eye on you ever since the walk, but you also didn't try talking to the guy.

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