Chapter 1

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        My name is Scout. My name isn’t one that’s really common, but my mom always told me I had a special name. The truth is, I never really bothered to care about my name, I kind of liked my name too. My mom always tried to cheer me up though, about my characteristics, because I have always felt so insecure about my height and simple characteristics like that. You can say I’m not the tallest person, by far, because it’s true. I have dirty blonde hair, and a soft color blue for my eyes. Everyone says I have dimples, but I don’t see them. I’m almost 5 feet tall, and I’m in 10th grade. My father always had told me about how he wasn’t disappointed in me. He knew I tried hard in school, and he supported me for that. See, I’m not the best at grades, I’m a straight B student. Back in middle school I was all C’s, but my father believed I could make it past 9th grade, and I ended up getting all B’s. I recall my dad saying for the last time, that no matter how hard things get, that he will always be there. My father had kissed me on my forehead, and left. He left for World War 3 that night. It’s been about 6 months since he’s departed from my family. Now my mother has to work harder, but she always seems so relaxed. She has to take care of my younger brother, Hunter, and my younger sister, Eden. I also have an older brother who is 20. He lives with his wife in more of a rich area. He and his wife don’t have kids, but they sure are nice. I always enjoy visiting them.

        There has always been something that made me feel insecure, and that I could just never come to telling anyone. Not even my real friends. Though, this secret of mine has broken to my two best friends, which I met online. They’re the only two people I hang out with, on this gaming site. It’s not really a big site, it was created by a family friend, Jonathan, of ours about one year ago. Jonathan was a close family friend, so I usually called him Uncle Jon. Uncle Jon was like a second father to me. He lived with us for a bit, and he even had his own little barn place for all his computer-tech-like possessions. That’s where he created the gaming site. The first two to join the gaming site were my two best friends. I’m lucky to have them, the gaming site is free, but there are restrictions too. The community is quite small, and not many people go on much, it’s usually just my friends and I and some others. Eventually, my friends and I hung out so much, we were kind of best friends, and that’s how I came to telling them my secret. Neither of them judge, but telling someone you don’t know, a small secret of yours, can be risky. Luckily, my two friends are ones who I know I can trust.

        So, one day, when I was chatting my friends in a group gather chat room on the site, and we were playing truth and dare. I know my friends would never hurt or laugh at me about any secret I held, no matter how juicy of a secret it was.

        “Okay, Scout, your turn! Truth or dare?” Sammy asked.

        “Dare! Lol!” I replied, “I got to make this game exciting! You guys are too boring doing truths! xD”

        “Alright” responded Hannah “Throw a dare at her Sammy! Make it good!”

        “I got one,” Sammy quickly replied, “I dare you to tell your biggest secret”

        “... Okay :/” I replied.

At this point I felt so insecure, should I tell them a lie or what? I hesitated in front of my computer for a minute or two, and then I finally decided to answer.

“Alright here it goes…I’m...I’m…” I stopped typing for a moment, and hesitated. My hands

were shaking and my friend Sammy kept asking and trying to pressure me into telling. I decided to begin typing again, but I was typing with a horrible feeling.

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