Note From The Author...

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        Well, to being with, this is a story that I've dedicated to my friends online, two in particular. They inspire me and my whole life, and I don't know what I would do without them in my life. Now, as of 11.9.14, and barely working on it, I had actually started this story back in June. So, it's pretty long. Anyways, besides that, this is one of my very few writes that I've done all on my own. I took, and still don't, take any consideration for idea from others, purely because every word of this story was written with an idea of mine, not based off someone else's.

        Along with that, by now, I am hoping you also realize this story will have its clichés and I hope you udnerstand there are going to be those 1.) Disappointing cliché moments and 2.) The "Knew it! Omg!" cliché moments. This is a story I've pretty much only shared with friends, close friends. Of course, this is also a different story, and if you know me well enough, I'm not one to talk about life.

        I will be only uploading chunks of my story from time to time. Since there are 55 pages via Google Docs, and in normal 12 point font, or maybe 11, not double spaced either, this story may well end up being over 70 pages here on Wattpad. Then again, I never know. I'm quite shy and careful on what I share here on Wattpad, even though you can't exactly copy. It's just my work, and I feel that even other writers might steal idea with no credit. 

        Another note I'd like to add is that this is not based off my real life, and not all aspects or events actually happened.(Shout out to Pawzkat here): Don't ask or wonder what parts of the story were real, because that is for me to know and you to find out.

        So, with this semi-long(not really), note, continue with reading, and I hope you enjoy.

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