Chapter 6: Hero Costume

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If Izuku was to stand a chance against powerful villains, he would need loaded guns.

He didn't have anything to lose to feel hopeless about having used up all the bullets in the gun he had. He just needed to think about how he could take more. That one villain with the spots had a pretty good gun he used on his partner who unwillingly became Izuku's human shield.

Where the guns were, there were the villains, and possibly where they kept people they kidnapped.

He got an idea and snuck back into his foster family's home, to his room. Of the items the authorities granted him from his mother's list of possessions, they gave him a small bag.

Izuku pulled it out from under his bed and opened it.

Inside the bag was a green outfit with white trims. He pulled it out and held it up high to inspect it.

Including with it was a small letter taped to the outfit, with his mother's handwriting.


I'm sorry I don't always openly support your dreams to become a hero. I try to be a good mother to you and sometimes that means I have to be realistic.

Needless to say, I knew you were going to apply for a hero high school so I made you this. I'll keep my hopes up for you because I want to see you succeed, but it's going to be a long hard journey. I just hope you don't feel so alone when you take it.

I made this for you anyway. Wear it proudly, or change it up if it's not really your style. I only based it on some of your sketches I noticed in your notebook.

I love you, my little Izuku! Be careful out there!



Izuku felt himself crying again. He bit his lip to quiet himself and try to stop as he inspected the homemade hero costume. One of his last treasures of his mother.

He took it with him along with his backpack filled with some collectible shuriken stars detailed with popular superheroes on the edges, the gun he had, and another gun from his foster father's private box. It was similar in design to the one he already had and it was fully loaded too.

"Izuku?" A soft feminine voice asked, almost reminding him of his mother.

He turned around to see his foster mother standing in his doorway. From the angle, she couldn't see what was inside his backpack, which was still open.

"Hey." He nodded his head in respect to her.

"Sneaking out again?" She asked.

Izuku sighed. "Yeah..."

She lowered her head and looked at the floor. "I'm not your mother... You know that. I want you to be here sleeping, whatever you feel you need to do out there, please just be safe. Don't... Don't do anything that could be harmful, okay?"

"I'll be okay." Izuku said forcing a smile. "I'll be back in bed soon. I just want to clear my head."

She approached him and gently pressed her palm against his cheek. "No matter what, we want you to feel at home here. I know it's cheesy but I know what it's like to lose my family."

Izuku thought for a moment. "Did you...ever long for justice for the people responsible for your loss?..." He asked hesitantly.

"Yes..." She sighed. "But it wouldn't just bring my family back... It would only tear more families apart."

Izuku wanted to protest. Those people who took his mother. He didn't care if they had families or legitimate reasons why they did it, they still did it and needed to be brought to justice, no matter what it took to bring them there. Still, he tried to take something from his foster mother's words of wisdom.

"Goodnight, Izuku. I hope we can see you tomorrow for breakfast." She smiled warmly and gave him a brief but tight hug.

He watched her exit the room and shut the door softly behind herself.

The boy then climbed out of the same window in his bedroom as he did to get in, and began to spray paint the costume outside black.

His foster home was in a friendly suburban neighborhood. Small and medium sized houses lined the streets.

He used the concrete section behind the house as cover to his costume as he sprayed it and let it dry.

Once it dries, it would be time to go out and be the hero his mother needed.

He sat by the costume laying on the pavement now sprayed dark black, in deep thought of what he should do.

"I bet one of them has a cloaking Quirk that turns the van invisible as they drive in it." He examined to himself. "They're carrying big guns that are definitely illegal. All I have is a pistol type. If I can use mine to obtain a bigger one, I can use that as leverage..."

Before Quirks appeared in society, guns seemed to be the superpowers. Whoever had the biggest gun had the upper-hand, even if they weren't so good using it.

Now, it seems that anyone with a gun is considered a low-level thug. But there are still heroes who use them, some because of their Quirk. Such as Snipe, who became a teacher at UA.

With these guns, Izuku pledged to himself to only use them on the villains responsible for these crimes related to the taking of his mother.

Now it was time to go out and search for those criminals the only way he could. Not by chasing them down after they've kidnapped someone, but join them. Gain their trust. Even for just a moment. Then...

Then, he would avenge his mother, and all other wives, husbands, mothers, and fathers they have taken for whatever nefarious purpose.

In the dim light of the street lamp nearby, his face stared at the costume now dry. His face, like the night, was cold and blank and still as he picked it up and slipped it on.

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