Chapter 15: You're a Villain

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Izuku had so many questions still unanswered.

Like how this skeletal angry man said he was All Might.

He was wearing his clothes, the same hair color, but too messy, the eye color was the same, but very sunken in.

"Never have I ever heard of something so shocking." He said.

Izuku looked up at him.

"None of the other heroes could form a thought about you." He continued.

"How am I supposed to believe that you're All Might?" Izuku asked, ignoring his other dozens of questions.

"How am I supposed to believe that a hero I've looked up to all my life, is standing right before me after I murdered a whole warehouse of villains?" He asked.

The skeletal man sighed and stood up tall. In the artificial light of the jail cell, the man began to grow tall and muscular. His blue eyes disappeared as his cheekbones formed muscle, and a big smile that was more for show than genuine.

"Young man, I can't even begin to describe how disappointed I am in you."

Now Izuku was listening. He sat up staring face to face with his idol.

"B-But how can that be?... Everything I ever did was because it's what you and the others taught me! It's what a real hero would have done!"

"Even the best heroes should report to the police. Only they have the authorization to-"

"NO!" Izuku shouted.

He wasn't even sure this was the real All Might, but in the moment he didn't care who this man was.

"They took my mother... She's dead because of them." Izuku grumbled with tears in his eyes.

"That's revenge. Something heroes should never pursue. And don't." All Might explained.

"No because I killed them so they would never take innocent lives again." Izuku hissed.

"Hundreds of people lost their lives last night. The leader of the League of Villains was defeated, and so was my career." All Might said. "What you did made nothing better. The hero Ragdoll is Quirkless now."

"But alive." Izuku said.

"She would have been killed had the heroes not shown up at that moment!" The old hero shouted.

"I'm Quirkless.... All. Might." Izuku snapped. "If I'm able to get by, despite everyone treating me like trash, then so can she! She has friends and family and fans. I have no one! And I was prepared to die to stop the League."

All Might sighed. A part of him really did genuinely feel sympathetic for this boy. He could see his heart, his intentions. But it was all now clouded in darkness.

"My boy, you're here because you're a villain."

"Deku is the name of a hero!" Izuku shouted.

All Might looked at him and quickly started losing control of his muscle form, shrinking back to his skeletal self.

Izuku lowered his head and started to laugh.

And he laughed some more. And laughed more as he looked up, meeting eyes again.

"You're not the All Might I worshipped. You're a fraud. And if the All Might I idolized really did lose his career last night, then maybe he should have died with it. And so should have I." He smiled.

"My boy..."

"But if I'm still alive, then I still have a purpose... The League is still out there. And frauds like you are out there..." Izuku said through gritted teeth.

"And if everyone says Deku is the name of a villain..." He laughed. "Then so be it.... Everyone fears a good villain. Even other villains..."

All Might stood up. "I wish I could have helped you sooner... I do..."

Izuku roared at him through the glass. "Next time, send the real All Might to me!"

The hero turned around, swishing his cape as he went. "I'm sorry, boy. But I suppose he really is dead..."

Izuku lost all feeling in his mind and began to laugh again. Somehow, this irony was funny to him.

"I have other villains to see today. Look inside yourself and see what you really want now. Because you don't have much of a choice anymore." He counseled before he exited his viewing room out the door.

Izuku laughed and laughed.

"Midoriya! Shut up! You have another visitor." A guard shouted from the doorway.

People were talking amongst themselves in the hall but he couldn't see who. Until she stepped in.

His laughter died as he was now facing Ochako Uraraka, who stared at him with the most heart-broken, terrified look on her face.

"Izuku?...." She asked. Her cheeks were stained from crying so much.

When he thought he lost himself, he felt his heart beating again and lowered his head in shame.

"Wh-Why?..." She teared up. "I lost my friends teacher Mr. Aizawa....So many..."

Izuku sighed.

"I barely know you and yet I didn't want to lose you too... How could you do this?" She sniffed.

He remained silent. She must have heard his conversation with All Might, or whoever that man really was.

The boy had no excuses. Anything he told All Might, he couldn't just tell her, except that it was how he really felt. He was broken. And his heart was full of darkness. Yet he was embracing it over moving on.

"I want you to know.... For your sake, this is goodbye." Uraraka said.

Izuku nodded slowly.

"I can't affiliate myself with you anymore. I won't be seeing you again..." She cried.

"I know..." He said. "For your sake.... Don't come back."

Uraraka gasped and took a step back. She covered her mouth as her attempts to fight off tears stopped.

"G-Goodbye, Izuku Midoriya." She cried out and ran out the door.

Izuku once again caught himself reaching out to her, his hand pressed up against the glass.

Hours later, the lights were out. It was cold in the cell. He laid down on his bunk thinking, more or less of what to think about. He was beyond the point of no return, but the All Might impersonator told him that it was still his choice, although it was limited.

That's when the cracks in the brick wall on one side of his cell started to fill with a mysterious green substance.

It bubbled and expanded, cracking the brick and breaking it down swiftly.

Izuku looked up from his bunk to see his costume land on his lap.

"You're the one called Deku, correct?" A man asked from behind the cracking wall. As more and more bricks fell, the man's face and body were more visible through the blinding outside light.

"Y-Yes?" Izuku asked.

"You better come take a look at this." He directed.

Izuku stood up and carried his costume with him as he walked out the broken wall where a few dozen people dressed in various costumes stood. Some of them were holding the jailers at gunpoint.

"Deku. We live to serve you. We say death to the villains that have destroyed our families, and down with the images of false heroes." He said.

Izuku looked around in shock at the people who came together because of what he did. Turning to the television playing the news, his story was on there as well, under the story that All Might and All For One defeated one another in battle.

He started to smile.

"Do they see me as a hero?..."

"No." The man beside him said. "Something more."


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