Chapter 13: Embrace Darkness

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As soon as he saw the news, he threw on his costume, grabbed his bag, and ran.

And ran, and ran.

Another villain attack. More dead. One was a child.

Izuku roared out in fury as he ran.

There was no need for heroes at this point. What was needed was a monster. Fire to fight fire.

He didn't have a way to get to the factory faster than his legs. The trains took a route too far from it.

Instead, he traveled to the first stop. The underground of Tokyo's streets.

Pro-heroes dead. Students dead. Katsuki Bakugo, a name Izuku knew from childhood, was kidnapped.

He didn't see Ochako Uraraka's name in the deceased. Nevertheless he was terrified. And filled with rage.

The League of Villains had to pay. And anyone else who stood in his way.

The attack happened last night. And school had just gone out when Izuku received the alert.

The flash of black and grey dashed through the darker streets. It was too early to have the neon signs lit but the sun would set in a couple hours.

He screeched to a halt and turned to a familiar door and slammed his fist against it a few times.

"Hey! Hey!" Giran answered the door with a less than patient look on his face. "Ah shit."

Izuku sent his leg forward, knocking the villain in the stomach, back through his doorway. He jumped in after him, shutting the door in the same swift move.

"You have five seconds to show me the fastest route to the League of Villains' hideout." He threatened.

"So...." He exhaled. "The rumor about you was true. You did shoot up their little shop of horrors." Giran chuckled and rolled on to his knees.

Izuku planted his shoe on the man's spine and pressed down. "Five seconds!"

Suddenly a loud bang and a small crater in the wood floor appeared beside Giran's head.

"AH! Damn!" He shouted clutching his ears.

"Four seconds!" Izuku shouted.

"You know the way, damn you! In the warehouse district up a couple blocks!" He shouted.

Izuku cocked the pistol in his hands.

"Why would I lie to you?!" He yelled.

"So you get me out of your place." Izuku said. "But I know how to find this place. I ran straight here. If you've sent me on a wild goose chase... You won't walk out of here alive."

Giran chuckled. He seemed to be more acquainted with threats than what was sane. "I'll be here."

Izuku tilted his head. His eyes completely invisible inside his mask. "....On second thought."

He turned and shot Giran in both legs as he tried to stand up.

He then got down on the ground beside the shouting man and aimed his gun up, lining it with the horizon of Giran's back, and fired again.

He collapsed with a squeal and not much else.

"There. Now you won't walk out of here." Izuku said coldly, standing back up and looking down at the paralyzed villain.

"Enjoy your nap. I'll be back for more if you're lying." He said as he walked out and sarcastically, courteously shut the door behind himself gently.

As the boy walked back out, he realized the adrenaline rushing through his veins and sighed.

"What am I doing? Am I really turning myself into a killer?"

"I'm not Hero Killer Stain. But I'm not like All Might.... Could I ever become anything like him?"

Defenseless Izuku! You'll never be able to hang with the best of the best! You're below these rejects, you're Quirkless! DEKU!


Izuku smiled in his mask.

"And that's okay."

This journey has given him a sense of the real world. Something a school of heroes could never teach about being a hero: the world hates heroes. Villains spawn out of hate for them, criminals kill, kidnap, steal, rape, torture, and take whatever they want. And heroes are just told to stop them, but not even they do the arresting.

True justice must be given no matter how many people disagree. Killers should be killed. Bad people should be detained. Mutts...should be put down.

For some reason, as he began to run toward the warehouse district, Izuku kept thinking about Katsuki's last words to him months ago. The names he called him. Especially Deku.

Deku could be the name of a hero. A name nobody will appreciate, because he kills villains rather than comply with the law.

But it's how it must be done. Stain is wrong to kill heroes. They're all show and little help but some of them try. All Might is very much in love with the spotlight but even he practices what he preaches.

But Stain is right in one thing. The monsters of our society must be purged. Tonight.

Izuku nodded to himself as he ran down the district, passing by colossal warehouses. Some empty, some in use, just closed for the work day's end.

He stopped to catch his breath as he turned the corner. He looked up to see the one and only factory.

Now if he was to get back in there again, he needed to change tactics. Especially since they could be on high alert, expecting heroes from all backgrounds, and all reasons to be going after them. Him included.

If only Ochako Uraraka could see him now. Hell, Katsuki Bakugo. Maybe this is where they're keeping him too.

Izuku quickly scanned his inventory inside his sidebag. Two handhelds, pistols. A semi-automatic rifle, stolen from the body of a villain. And ammunition for each, also stolen. Along with a few knives, two of which were stored in his costume, in two opposite pouches on his belt.

Not to mention various tools such as a hammer, and his hero shurikens.

He closed the bag and tightened its strap on his shoulder. Then he proceeded toward the factory, which appeared vacant, or at least devoid of activity. The perfect trap.

It was time to move. Little did he know, he wasn't the only one on the move that night.

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