Chapter 8: Calculations

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Izuku glared at each of the men around him through his mask as they sat in the truck on the move. The few windows inside were deeply tinted, from the outside you couldn't even tell there were any windows at all.

"I see you're carrying some guns with you, kid. You a sharpshooter?" One of the villains asked glancing down at his bag resting at his side.

"I-I'm a little rusty about it." Izuku stuttered.

"Don't sweat it. You won't need 'em for long." The driver called back with a small smirk in his smile.

"I like them." Izuku said softly. "They make me feel bigger than I am..."

"He's got a point." Another of the three villains, one with large snake eyes, said. "You could be born with any powerful Quirk, but at the end of the day, we're all still human. Even skin-hardening Quirks have a time limit."

Izuku nodded in agreement.

"What do you guys call yourselves?" He asked.

There was silence for a moment before anyone answered.

"We work for the League of Villains." The driver said.

"The ones who attacked UA?" Izuku asked.

"Not us specifically, but yes. Our job is to build an army for them." The snaked-eyed villain explained.

"So you must have your work cut out for you..." Izuku sighed, referring to the failed attempt to kill All Might, and the arrest of over seventy villains, including the infamous Noumu.

"That's not funny. They've been very impatient with us. For some reason everyone we bring in isn't used directly in their smaller attacks." The third villain frowned, bearing tattoos on his body that seemed to swim across his exposed skin.

"Let's hope you're worth our time." The driver added.

Izuku nodded and looked on ahead as they pulled in to an old warehouse district.

"Some secret hideout." He scoffed.

"Shut up." The driver hissed.

They pulled inside a large open door then forcefully pulled Izuku out of the truck.

He stepped out with two villains holding him by his arms into the wide open space inside. There was a large door deeper inside that was shut at the time.

It looked like an abandoned factory, with multiple levels of platforms and side-office rooms. And there were criminals of every kind moving around with specific orders given. Some were carrying crates around, some carried what looked like lab and medical equipment. Some were carrying guns, some just had their Quirks. Most of them were going in and out of the previously sealed door.

"Now wait here with Hydra." They told him.

Izuku watched as one of the villains who took his mother walked away with another, into the next room, which was assumably bigger than he first expected.

They left him with the snake-eyed villain who stood right beside him, opposite of his side where his handbag was strapped.

Izuku didn't move his head much, but his eyes darted around the large, spacious factory area. He eyed the distance to the stairs that lead to the platforms upward. He eyed the number of villains around acting as guards and the kinds of weapons they had. Mostly semi-automatics.

Apart from the various groups of villains coming in and out of the other room, Izuku saw about three guards on his level spaced out on different sides of the room. Three more on the second level platforms. And roughly three more on the top.

His hand almost reached for his bag but something prompted him to walk forward.

Izuku tried hard to walk and act natural, control his breathing. He started to sweat as he walked to the large door where the villains who brought him had gone through.

"Kid, where are you going?" The snake-eyed man asked.

Izuku didn't answer, but he tried to. "J-Just going to see what' here."

"Not yet. That's the last thing you'll see here today." He said sternly.

Izuku turned his head to look back at the room behind him as he stood by the door.

He noticed as well, that the groups of criminals marching in and out came in certain intervals. There was about a forty second window where no one else was in the chamber except them and the stationary guards.

Calculating in his head, he let go of his emotions. For the first time since before his mother was taken, he felt no remorse for what he was thinking to do. No regret. No cares.

"Kid, get over here! If you want to be one of us you gotta-"


It happened so fast.

Izuku had turned around, reaching in his bag, pulling out the loaded pistol, and fired directly at the snake-eyed villain's head.

He collapsed without another noise on to his back.

The green-haired young man had no time to freeze up and reconsider his decision. It was done. And now he had only a few seconds to silence the guards before they called in others, and before a group came marching in.

Izuku turned to the first guard closest to him who was choosing to charge him with long sharp claws extended rather than anything long-range.


"AUGH!" The bullet hit him in the neck.


Another bullet, this time in his head.

Izuku realized he needed to keep track of his bullets as well.

"HEY!" A second guard shouted, raising his gun to fire.

Izuku lifted the gun with both hands, pointed and fired quickly.

The guard collapsed, dropping the bigger gun.

The boy ran from his position to where the guard fell and scooped up the gun. Remembering where the other guards were, he raised the big firearm and pulled the trigger, leaving his finger on it and watching as everywhere he pointed, men and women fell dead and bleeding. He pointed up to the other levels and watched as the bullets passed up through the crate platforms and up through the villains.

He also had to recognize an escape plan before reinforcements inevitably arrive. All the guards were down.

Again, his mind and his heart were silent as he instead ran deeper into the building to the next room.

Passing through, he stopped dead in his tracks and looked around at a near-empty chamber full of lab equipment, a few villain guards, and dozens of people strapped to tables with their brains exposed out of their skulls.

His arm bearing the weight of the semi-automatic dropped to his side as he walked around the room.

"Son of a bitch! Kill that kid!" One villain roared.

Izuku saw he wasn't alone and ducked as bullets shot over his head.

Raising the big gun again, he fired at the various tanks and barrels in the room hoping they do something explosive.

"You idiot!" A villain cried out.

Izuku jumped up and opened fire across the room, bringing down the three guards quickly.

One of the tanks he shot caught fire as it leaked some kind of gas.

He turned to leave but something stopped him as he passed by the people on the tables.

Heroes risk everything to save people. These people must be the kidnapped, which means. He turned and saw his own mother lying on her back in a hospital gown, with her scalp and top of her skull removed.

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